Finding Out's Hanji New Habit ( Extra 2: Make Up! )

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( A/n: Well,It's veryyyyyy short...So,Bear with it. XD )

~ Narrator's POV ~

You started to walk back to HQ after dealing so many things with the Elementals and the annoying Sister...Even Mika..They were trying to find a new talent.

They fought when one of them has the similar wants or talents..It was soo fucking tiring trying to break them off with each other....

You opened the door,Entering the HQ slowly,And walking through the hallways.Then you hear screaming of your name.

" (YYYYYYYYYYY/NNNNNNNNNN),WHERE ARE YOU?!?! " A familiar,Annoying,Shitty,Hyper voice echoed around.

Then you see a figure entering your sight,Only to be meeting by the most annoying person..Hanji..

" (Y/n)! There you are! I've been looking for you about..1 minutes! And i'm going to show you something,So be obedient and follow me with my instructions~! It's my new habit.. " Hanji said,Whispering the last one to your ears.

Hanji then brought out a blind fold,Blocking your eyes with it.Tying it tightly so it won't go on lose.

You guys keep walking around,And you tripped like 5 times because of Hanji's stupidness,Because she thought right was left,And left was right..So you guys walked for like 2 minutes then finally reached the room.

Hanji twisted the knob,Then told you to come in,You go foward walking in the room.

Hanji slowly removes the blind fold,Revealing a....Oh god....

Something you've never expect to see..

A Levi sitting on a chair in the middle of the room,Full of make up..

pink eye shadow, purple eyeliner, blood red lipstick, peach blush, and his wrists adorned with your gold bracelets. Even his nails were painted,

each a different color: Red, yellow, blue, green...the colors of the rainbow. 

His hair was even tied into a ponytail with a pink ribbon.

Your body began to shake,Trying to stop the laughter.

" PFT! W-W-What happened? " You stuttered,Snickering.

" Fucking.Shitty Glasses..She forced me into this shit! " Levi said.

" This will be my new talent and hobby! Bringing real beauty outside!! "Hanji exclaimed.

" Someday! I will be the reason why the world will change into a pretty place! " She added.

" R-Really? " You snickered,Your body was trembling so badly,Wanting to hold out your laughter.

" What the fucking hell is funny? " Levi questioned.

" Yo-Yo-Your face! " You shouted,Letting out your laughter.

" BWAHAHAHA, YO-YOU'RE SO BEAUTIFUL,N-No! I-I mean Ha-Handsome! " You shouted between your laughters.

Levi growled and glared at Hanji.

" Well?! (Y/n) just told your handsome! You should be thanking me! " Hanji shouted.

Levi sighed in defeat.

" Fine! I'm fluttered..What ever.. " Levi muttered.

[ The End ]

( A/n: Sooo,do you guys have any ideas or suggestion how should i start on with the second part of the story?! Bcuz i can't make up one! My mind is empty and i dunno what to write to the 2nd book!! ;-; Halp me by suggesting your ideas! )

My Elemental Princess ( Levi x Reader ) [ Too Lazy To Edit ]Where stories live. Discover now