I Started A Joke

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The Science Bros

Up in Ed Nygma's tattered old bedroom, rested a worn out Jonathan Crane and Ed Nygma. It seemed like a normal night between the two boys, for Eddie sat at his computer focused on the mathematics of the hack while Jonathan sat on his bed, staring at his phone. Unlike most nights where Jonathan would be desperately attempting to get Ed away from the computer screen for a few seconds to discuss the topic of fear, he was zoned out. Nygma caught on when Jonathan failed to speak up after an hour of utter silence. His gazed shifted up from his computer to find Jonathan red in the face and smiling like a fool. "What are you so happy about?"

His analysis of Jonathan crane consisted of noting how his friend's palms looked sweaty, foot tapping. Edward was both perplexed and curious to what may have caused Jonathan to act in this unusual manner. "Jonathan, I'm speaking with you." His voice wavered with the annoyance of being ignored. Partially firm in his tone, he paused noting that it may have come out as too harsh and attempted to joke afterwards. "You know I'm the only one allowed to zone out randomly and ignore-"

"Harleen texted me." Jonathan interrupted.

"Oh-Jonathan don't take what she said too harsh, with Pamela there I never got the chance to explain to her about this all being a mistake and the effects it may hav-" Edward was cut off by Jonathan once more.

"She knows already, but its not that---Harlen isn't mad...its, its just..." He spaced out, looking back down at his phone. Johnny looked like he was excited but secretly did not know what else to do. Edward was too curious to be kept from the information his phone held, thus hacking into it. Learning to hack too little skill for the genius, wasting only about 5 minutes of his time on the task.

I'm not sure how to say this and it may sound uh-stupid but Johnny I have a huge crush on you. Please tell me how you feel, if you feel anything back so I know if my love is a lost cause. <3 ~HQ

"Whoa-" He paused, shocked. That was unsuspected. Edward didn't know Harley would feel this way about Jonathan, especially after what happened when he found her at school that Sunday. Interesting how Jonathan went from worried sick, pacing, and rambling about fear to lovesick frantic puppy. It made Ed amused and smirk. Edward thought about it for a second before getting up, "Go on, I'll keep the cops off you."


"Well, I am your friend after all and I presume you have enough intellect to know this is not something you can just text to her. You are going to speak with her, aren't you?"

"Your right." Jonathan got up, grabbing his brown jacket from the end of the bed.

"Aren't I always?" Eddie rubbed in, just to get a roll of the eyes from Jonathan as he left in a race to see Miss. Quinzel.


Outside of Harleen Quinzel's house lurked Jack Napier. He of course had overheard the girl's conversation from the doll he gave Harleen. Jack Napier was not at all tech savvy but a small threat to Jervis allowed the little man to insert a small camera into his Bear-A-Fun!. He knew he did not have to get Harleen something but found the prank of his spy cam too amusing. In hopes to get a view of girl's night he stationed himself outside the house of Harleen. What kind of entertainer would he be if he didn't cause a little trouble on their girl's night. After the girl's had settled into watching Magic Mike XL, Jack snuck in the back window. He heard squeals and giggles coming from the living room, which proved he was safe for now. Curious for a little prank, Jack looked through each of the girl's bags, finding not much more than he expected. Harley with the overly girly room, Pamela with her plants and Barbra with her geek stuff. No, he wanted to find something fun, something hilarious. He kept looking before noticing a secret pocket in Selena Kyle's bag. "Bingo" He popped his gums with amusement. Unzipping the thing he found a long leather whip in the side. This made him laugh, hard. "Oh Brucie boy, what have you gotten yourself into." Jack muttered in amusement to himself before shaking his head.

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