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Just seeing the bus pull up in front of me I can tell it's going to be a long day.

Kids were hanging out the window, yelling and screaming. Seriously? This early in the morning? Where did they get all the energy from? A shoe goes flying by me, almost knocking the coffee out of my hand. Ugh, needless to say I sat in the first open chair I can find.


I smile, facing the kid next to me. He was dressed as any typical geek or nerd would, even wore point dexter glasses. He looked too focused in his book to respond. Maybe if I'm louder he would hear me,


The little nerdy kid jumps a bit in his seat, he look shocked to see someone speak to him.

"Uhh Hi? Do I know you?"

He shuffled his glasses a moment, trying not to look flustered. The kid seemed rather quiet, funny thing was he might as well be taking to the loudest girl in the school. I'm smile for never once have I felt the need to be shy.

"Nope, not that I know of. Hi, My names Harleen."


"Well nice to meet you Eddie, what's that book you got there?"

"Well.....it's.....ahh.....it's about the unsolved mysteries of the world."

"Really? That's sounds cool."

"Yes, I'm sure the author wrote it with the intent of it being errr.... /cool/."

He rolled his eyes, before going back to his book. Was it something I said? He looked at me as if I was a fool.

"Well wha-

My words are cut of by the screeching sound of tires. Of course the bus driver was terrible at driving. What else was new? The bus comes to a stuttering halt as we reach the next stop. More kids piled onto the already full bus.

One boy, with brown hair draping over his face paused in front of the seat I was sitting in. He looked as if he was going to sit down. The boy tried to catch the attention of Eddie but failed so he only lingered a moment longer, before sitting in the seat across from me. Rather strange was the fact he did not make eye contact with anyone.

I turn back around to look at the Eddie kid. I wanted to ask him if he knew the guy. Figures, he was far to interested in his book to be even some what social I sigh, pulling out my notebook. Neither of these boy's seemed very social.

Eddie a.k.a Bus Nerd

*Constantly reading.

*Appears to be smart but talks in a way that makes you feel dumb.

*Doesn't seem to talk much.

Bus kid #2

*looks a bit scary, no eye contact, doesn't speak to anyone.

*headphones jammed into ears is it because he prefer's isolation?

The bus comes to a stop once again as we arrive at school, I slip my notebook back into my bag.

"Nice talking to yah Eddie. "

A bit of sacarsim escapes my tone as I skip off the bus. Faster I get out of this mad house on wheels the better.


Not paying attention, I miss someone's gigantic foot that was stuck out inches infront of me. I stumble over it, falling flat on my face. Giggles surround the air around me, oh no not again. I feel my face flush red with embarrassment.

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