A Sticky Sitation

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~Harley's POV~

"HARVEY!" Pamela growled, pounding her fist against the table. A couple hundred campaign posters fluttered in air. I hurriedly tried to collected them. Last night I spent hours on Red's campaign, trying to make all the flyers she needed."Harvey Dent! HE is the one coming after me!! Why on earth would that two face son of a bitch want to be president!"

"Pam, Calm down." Selina spoke reassuring, she sat Pamela back on her seat."It's only the two of you, you're bound to win." Her voice purred, calming Red for a few seconds.

I tilt my head, looking across the courtyard. On the other side stood Harvey Dent, a pretty handsome fellow, who was going against Pamela in the election for class president. He was the head of the football team and dating some girl from the debate club. Unlike Waylon or Diego he didn't see mean at all. In fact, Harvey was known across town for his volunteering and acts of goodness. The student wouldn't even tell a white lie, unless of course it was too put all the blame on himself. "What's wrong with Harvey? He's a nice guy."

Both girl's snap their heads around to look at me. Pamela's emerald eyes were blazing fire, filled with rage as if she wanted to tackle me for speaking up. Selina's blue orbs appeared to give me a look which said, I should have known better than to say that. "Nice guy? Nice guy!" Isley through her hands up in the air. "You want to know the truth about this 'nice guy'-"

"Pamela, Calm down."

"He's a manipulative little-"

"Pamela! Don't freak out, people are watching and how many students would vote for some psycho-ex-girl friend?"

She huffed, crossing her arms. "Fine."

Selina pulled me aside, speaking lowly. "Harvey and Red used to date."

"Yeah, Eddie told me...."

"Then you should know he's just doing this to get back at her. She broke his heart now he's taking whatever she wants."

"He should just stick to football and his stupid Rachel girl." Pamela grumbled.

"Rachel? Rachel Dawes from the debate team?"

"Yeah, he really downgraded from Red. Don't you think?"

"Well she seems pretty nice-" I finally noticed the look Selina was giving me and caught on. "Of course! he's probably dying to be with you now."

Red ran a hand through her soft auburn curls, "The votes are counted around the same day as the science fair. Then the day after its announced. 24 hours...that gives us just enough time to sway everyone's vote. Understand? Harley I need that speech to be perfect! No grammar errors or anything, got it?"

"Okay Red, It'll be-"Her eyes shifted above my head. "Wait! There's the bastard now, trying to get Waylon's vote."

"Probably already got it, you know what they say bros before—ex girl friends."

Pamela rolls her eyes in annoyance, before noticing a small geeky kid fumbling with his books. The key to the election, a sly chesire like smile came across the teen temptresses face. "That's it! I'll get Eddie's help. He'll be able to get his dork friends to vote for me and be able to tell us who's ahead with his super brain." She quickly jumped up to her feet, before spraying some of this mysterious and fancy perfume on her. "This should be cake." Pamela played with her hair a second before strutting over to the boy. "Edward! Just the Genius I wanted to see."

"Uh..." The kid looked up from his math book flustered. He didn't seem to understand why she was talking to him. His red face was an indicated that Eddie was imagining the last time they spoke, a.k.a her in a towel. "Y-you wanted to see me?" He stuttered, confused. "Me?"

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