Party Probs- Part 2

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"Harleen?" Jonathan spoke, catching sight of the young blonde leaving the party. "No." His eyes widen, sprinting out of the Selina's house. "Harleen! Harley! HARLEY!" Johnny's voice screamed in the distance, muffled by the sound of blaring music. Despite him sounding terrified, Harley just giggled continuing along. Her steps were tripping over each other, practically falling over herself. A cold hand grabbed her wrist as she was pulled into a dark purple car as it sped off, leaving a nervous Jonathan behind.
2 hours before...
People started to arrive about an hour ago, never have I seen so many people in such a small home. How did mathematics for this even work out? I didn't really know what to expect from this party. The only insight I had were the obvious stereotypical movie scenes. Anyone hear about the movie Sky High? This party practically puts that one to shame. I mean the once cat infested, tattered living room turned into a full scale nightclub. Yet, all i'm doing is sitting on Selina's sofa with my journal. I tried to be a social person during the first 5 minutes of the party but it didn't exactly go the way I expected. People crowded the room and soon I got separated (or ditched, still trying to figure that part out) from the girls. Everyone seemed to know everyone making it impossible for me to just jump into a conversation. Once or twice I popped in, introducing myself only to be ignored or pushed out. Here I am, the loser on the couch. The least I could do is write. One day my book will make me famous and they'll all be jealous, wishing they had let me talk.
Alright, the next session is about party's, the psychology and physical appearance of them in the high school standards. Let me describe it for you incase you've never been to a party before:
Let me first state I had no clue what to expect but upon research it seems to be a very interesting topic in the human studies field. The very first to arrive were the ones that will presumably never leave. These subjects were the Jocks along with a couple of Pamela Isley's cheerleading "Friends." The reason for the quotations around the word is to show how they are not whom she considers her friends. Just some girls that will gossip around her, believing every word she says. Once their backs are turned they talk terrible trash on each other, most false accusations in order to receive drama. Drama seems to be a keyword in the high school lingo, something everyone wants but no one will admit to it. Walton and Diego (To high school all star students, incase you haven't read my prior articles) came already consumed by the dreadful smell of alcohol. The later the night went one, more and more kids came. Some kids don't even go to our school or at least I had never seen them there. Other's appeared to be kids of the street, sneaky little fellas who would lurk around and eat as much as their stomachs can hold. One thing about gotham, looks like many kids were left in the depressional stage of Gotham. Gosh they looked scary and not the cute scary I mentioned about Johnny. Speaking of the crow, him and Eddie are yet to be seen. After today's prior events I find it conclusive to report they won't come back, seeming as it is a prank or afraid to face Miss Isley again.
I take a look around the room, making sure no one was peeking over my shoulder. Who knows, this could be million dollar material one day. I decided that next I'll write down what the listed subjects were doing at the party.
Selina Kyle: flirting with some darked haired boy in the corner of the room. A shadow rests on the left side of his face, making it hidden in the darkness.
Pamela Isley: gossiping with her fellow buds (a.k.a the cheerleaders)
Walton and Diego: playing beer pong, keeping my eye on them for personal reasons. Selina's here so I doubt they'd try anything, hopefully.
At tap on my shoulder makes me jump out. "YELP!" I squeal, my eyes meeting pale blue ones directly in front of me. Jonathan smirked a little, gaining amusement from my sense of fear. Wait, did I just say yelp? My face blushed a light pink color as I gather myself.
"Sorry, I never meant to startle you." He spoke, sitting beside me. Johnny was dressed nice but casual in brown jacket and blue shirt.
"Oh it's nice to see you, you didn't startle me just...err..caught me by surprise...yeah thats it..umm so where's Mr.Know-it-all." I joke using our nickname for Edward, leaning back on the couch.
A soft chuckle came from him as he ran his hand through his hair. "Edward? Yeah, I could barely get him to come the first time. So, after Pamela hashed him out for arriving early he wouldn't dare come back. Honestly, he is just too stubborn to admit he did something foolish."
I smirk, " Yeah, he looked a little fluster."
"Trust me, he's better off at his own house. He would only complain about how he were here instead of studying."
"Are you almost finished with your science fair project?"
"Almost, the tests I'm running aren't coming planned yet."
"Tests? What kind of experiment are you working on?" He paused for a moment, debating whether to tell me or not. I hated when people kept things from me. I smiled in attempts to reassure him he could tell me. " Come on Johnny, promise I won't tell anybody." I gave him a pleading look, being over dramatic just to tease him.
He chuckled. "It's the study of ones brain waves when they come into a world they themselves aren't familiar with."
"Sounds cool, what's the experiment?"
His voice dropped to the soft whisper, " I'm trying to figure out how different chemicals create different psychological effects in the brain."
"Really? Thats amazing." I say, not really following what he was talking about but I wanted him to think I was smart.
He nodded, seeming glad I understood what he meant. "Yeah, it's thw reaction I am working on that should be interesting. What about you?"
"Uhh.." My expression turns into a frown, the science fair was this week and I only had half an idea, and it didn't even make sense.
Johnny smiles, seeing me think. "You forgot didn't you?" I bit my lip, giving him a small nod.
Something had caught my eye as he was speaking. A glimpse of green hair across the room, behind a group of laughing kids. Was I delusional or could it be him? My voice did not sound intrested much longer as I replied a simple. "Yeah." Tilting my head I tried to get a better look but people kept getting in my way.
"Well what do you like?" Jonathan asked, not realizing I didn't care to be in this conversation any longer.
"Sociology." My voice states plainly, too distracted in trying to get a glimpse of the boy across the room. I was hardly sitting on the couch anymore, my whole body was leaning to the left. Johnny looked at me oddly but continued on as if it was nothing.
"Oh, The study of the human interactions. What would you like to-"
"Offft!" I fall off the couch, butt hitting the floor. My head misses the wooden table by an inch as I land onto the hard unpadded floor. Jonathan is quick to come to my side, helping me up.
"Are you okay?"
I sigh, giving a slight nod. "Yes, I just thought I saw...someone." My eyes scan the area behind him, searching for any sign of the boy. A purple tee catches my eye, could it be him? My heart skips a beat. Sure it was a long shot but it was worth a try. "I'll be right back." Jonathan gave me a strange look. He turned around but could not follow my gaze. Crane gave a slight nod with a hint of disappointment in his eyes. I pick up my soda as if to say I was just getting a refill so he wouldn't feel as bad about me ditching him. May I point out how impossible it is to get through a crowd of drunk teenagers, Completely! I weave in and out trying to get across the room.
"Hey!" "Watch it!" "Damn guuurrr" "Hey!"
I roll my eyes, ignoring people's comments. By the time I actually made it across the room the boy was no where to be seen. He had gotten away. I sigh, maybe I was just seeing things. "AH!" I jump, feeling someone squeeze my butt. I spin around about to punch the jerk. However, my hand instantly drops to my side, seeing it was him. Jack Napier stood before me grinning. His luxurious mystical green eyes gazed down at me as he leaned against the wall.
"Heeeyyy, aren't your the new girl, Hailey, Heidi-" He snapped his fingers, trying to think of the name.
"Harleen, Harleen Quinzel. You're Jack Napier, we've met before. In the closet- well halls first but then you pulled me in there." My voice sounded higher as I talked fast. I couldn't help it I was excited to see him. He laughed, shaking his head. His laugh was so cute, it reminded me of halloween but yet there was a sort of happiness to it. What did he find funny in my statement, oh was it my rambling? maybe I should stop...what am I saying, I couldn't help it around attractive boys. He was so hot it made me nervous.
"Yes, the one and only." His voice dropped lower as he yanked me into the corner by my hair. "Want to see something amusing?"
"Yes." I say softly, thinking outloud to myself. Normally I'd ask more about what it was that he wanted to do but in that moment I didn't care what he was asking the answer was yes. Jack smirked, pulling a tack out of the wall. The point of the tack sparkled as he threw it across the room. It landed directly into Diego's shoulder. A small gasping noise escapes me as Diego turns around. He was going to kill us... I mean Jack but I was standing here so he must have thought I had something to do with it. He took two steps forward, hardly able to walk he was soo stoned. Lucky for both of us another dude pulled him aside. Unlucky for that dude for he got a broken nose.
Jack laughed, punching my shoulder. Pamela eyes gazed over at the sound of his laughter. Immediately she shot me a worried look. "Wasn't that hilarious toots." I nod, staying quiet for I didn't want Diego to come over after all. He gives me a rough nudge, snapping me out of thought. His voice sounded a little annoyed. " I said wasn't that funny toots."
"Yes, I guess it was." I smile, trying to appear amused at his childish prank.
"You guess!" He snapped angrily, hands curling up into fists.
"Leave Harles alone. There are plenty of other girls you can ruin here. You have more luck trying to get with that cup of cheap beer in your hands." She folded her arms across her chest, giving the boy a stern look. Pamela must have hurried across the room. Why didn't I notice? Oh wait, I was too busy staring at Jack to notice. The way his hair shuffled when he tilted his head back or the little dimples his smile gave off.
"Come on tree hugger, I'm only having a little fun with her. She doesn't mind, now do you Hailey?"
"Harleen, and he's right Red, I don't rea-"
"Of course she minds." She yanked Jack by his collar, in an aggressive yet whispering tone. "Harley is not someone you play with, got it? She's not a toy." He grinned wickedly, a devilish twinkle in his eye. Little did Red know she had just giving him the perfect challenge to make this night fun or more so a game.
"Who me?" He laughed, taking a sip of the red solo cup in his hand. Jack gave her a innocent look that Pamela obviously didn't buy. "Wouldn't think of it toots." He looked me up and down before walking away.
What? Wait, I wanted to talk to him. Don't go away. My eyes were still lingering on him, across the room while Pamela's voice was lecturing me in my ear. "Stay away from him, he's bad news. You know-" I zone her out, the music overtaking her voice. Jack was now laughing with some other chick. A brunette at that, she seemed to be nodding and smiling at whatever he was saying. Gosh, that should be me right now. Why couldn't it be me who he was talking to. Everyone around him seemed to crack a smile. His smile was so cute, promising. It was impossible not to believe he was a nice guy. He had a mysterious glimmer in his eyes that made me wonder. What was this special glow he had that went around him, what made him so beautiful. "Got it?" Crap, I wasn't listening again. I couldn't let her know that.
"Yeah, of course." I smile sincerely, hoping she believed me which she did. Pam gave a nod, before being pulled back to her group. Two street kids seemed to be harassing Johnny. Both dressed in torn or tattered leather clothing. I place my cup on the table before running up to help him. "Leave him alone!" I curse softly, pushing them off of him. Blood ran down the side of Jonathan's nose as he stood up. One of the boys had dark black hair which was slicked backwards. He looked just over my shoulder before shaking his head no. "Net yet."
"Why not?"
"Why should I tell you?" He spat, his friend grabbing Jonathan by his coat.Crane's attempts to fight back were weak, he didn't have the body mass to free himself "Pale, skinny and brainless, might as well be a sc-"
"Hey! leave him alone you big meany!" No idea where that confidence came from but before I even knew what I was doing, I kicked the kid in his privates. Johnny's eyes widen, as the kids hands moved down and fell to his knees. The new found courage didn't last so long. We both fled from the scene, running across the room. I barely managed to pick up my soda from the table as well as some napkins as I ran by.
"Thanks" He spoke sounding gratefully.
"No problem, let me see your nose."
"Huh?" He must have been lost in thought for he gave me a confused look. Slowly but surely he put it together, "Oh its fine." Not believing him I grab a handful of napkins from the table;
"Here placed these on your nose and apply pressure."
"Thanks Doctor Quinzel." He teased, placing the napkins where I pointed. The blood looked like a splash a color on his brown jacket. I shake my head, taking a sip of my drink. A bitterly sour taste met my tongue. Not bad but surely not expected. Could it have changed since before, maybe I was just tired.
"Hiiii John." A drunken girl's voice called out from across the room. Oh my gosh, it was that stupid brunette girl again. The one Jack had been talking to, I roll my eyes hoping Jonathan wasn't listening to her. "Can you acome- acome-comeeee here?" Her loud voice slurred as she waved him about.
He looked confused out of his right mind. I could read the surprise on his face. Almost as if he was shocked a girl wanted to talk to him. His blue eyes looked over at me as if he needed my approval to go over. I nod, my lips becoming dry from the lack of beverage in my hand. " Go ahead, I need to get some more soda anyways."
"Didn't you just refill that? Geez you got to be thirsty."
"Yeah, had a lot of chips before hand." Not a lie, I went through at least half a bags waiting for the party to start.
"Alright, I'll be right back." He spoke before walking over to her. I sigh, heading over to the table of drinks. Most of them where alcoholic, I just needed to find where they keep the soda's. "Ughhhh." I groan, becoming frustrated. My head was spinning, pounding and here I was, still not finding anything to drink. Grrr.
"Here." Out of no where, Jack hands me a glass. He understands my look giving me a reassuring smile. "It's only soda."
I smile, taking a sip of it. "Thank you." Funny, it still tasted strange. I couldn't put a finger on it but It tasted a lot like my last beverage. Hmm maybe Gotham's soda tastes differently than the ones in Metropolis.
"Surprised you're over here, shouldn't you be watching your girlfriend who just so happens to be all over Jonathan." He chuckled, laughing as if it was the most hilarious joke he'd ever heard.
"First, you think i'm scared of Johnny boy? No one's scared of him. Ozzie has a better chance at stealing Walton's girl then him with- well about anyone." I chuckle, trying not to be rude and diss Jack's point. Jonathan would find someone. He was nice and smart. Sure a bit boring but weren't we all? He continued on, "Second, She's not my girl friend, just some bozo that owed me a favor. " He spoke coolly, leaning back against the wall. "Then again; Why, you do you even care about a detail like that?" I blush a deep red color.
"Oh." He laughed again, setting me on edge. I tried to hide how flustered I felt which only lead to me talking more. "W-what was the favor- I mean not that you need to tell me."I quickly shut myself up by finishing my drink.
"That's okay. Hey I was thinking-"
His voice kept zoning in and out. I knew had a short attention but this was impossible to focus. The room felt like it was getting hotter. My face itself felt flush, I couldn't even focus on the words that slipped out of his mouth. His lips looked so soft as they moved up and down.
"so you're coming toots?" He seemed to be thinking about something else as he looked at me. A mischievous glimmer in his eyes. I couldn't help but feel them daring me to come closer, promising me an exciting journey if I went with him. I smile, giving a slight nod.
"Sure, a little fun never killed anybody."
"Or did it?" He chuckled darkly at his own joke, heading for the door. The room around me was spinning as if I was on a fun ride as I took my first step. It made me laugh along with him. Color's around me brighten as if I was in wonderland. everything seemed so simple yet fascinating. Ordinary yet marvelous. I felt safe around Jack, he couldn't hurt me. He wouldn't hurt me. His eyes told me that. What could go wrong? I followed him out the door, seeing him wave me over to a dark purple car. The plates on it were the ones from the dealership. Oh his father must own a car store. I giggle, practically skipping out. My legs moved much faster than I expected creating this stumbling running sort of style. Gosh, Harley snap yourself together! You'd make a fool out of yourself in front of the hottie.
"HARLEY!" An echo cries out in the distance sounding panicked, or was it my own imagination? Before I could turn around Jack's cold hand pulls me into the car. I fall on top of him as the car goes speeding off into the city.

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