Pre-Homecoming Jitters

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♠♡♣ Harleen's POV♥♤♦

I am a strong confident independent woman.
I am a strong confident independent woman.
I am a strong confident independent woman.

I take a deep breath looking into my bedroom mirror. This wasn't the first dance I've gone to alone, and wouldn't be the last. I clean up my makeup so it doesn't look to overdone before stepping back. So what if I don't have a date, when has Harleen Quinzel ever needed some man---but one would be nice right now.

I sigh, pushing back a blonde strand of hair to fit in my half up-half down due.

Only a couple hours before the dance and it was still down pouring out. Better take in the flower pot from outside. I was trying my best to be better about not having my mothers plants die because Pamela has took it upon herself to take care of them when she was over. Red told me that if plants get too much water they don't do too well. Who knew? I step outside to pull them in when I notice a crinkled white envelope fall from the door.

For Harleen

I could hardly tell that the envelope had my name on it as the handwriting was smeared from the rain. I assumed it said Harleen from the length of the name and the 'H' and 'A' . A letter? For me? Picking up the letter I found more water dripping out of it. Carefully opening the letter I could hardly make out the words. The more I moved the note the harder it was to read. I know, my hair dryer could help!

After about 7 minutes of drying the paper, and squinting to see the words with my new glasses. I think I know the message now. Let me see if I got this.

Dear Harleen,
I am sorry. I am so ashamed I have let you down, please know I will make this up to you. I wanted to ask you for some time now-would you like to go to homecoming. I know this is informal as it's midnight on the day of, and in a pretty patriotic letter but let me know. I mean if you still need someone to go to the dance with give me a cat. Again I'm sorry about everything, even this letter I didn't have my phone on me and I didn't want to wake you at this time. I just couldn't sleep knowing I let you down. I don't know how you'd feel about it, taking dorky old me but you really mean alot to me Harleen. To be honest, I'm not one who usually goes to dances but I'd go for you. But I don't want to pressure you, if you'd rather go by yourself I'll just work on a project of mind . Your amazing, beautiful, energetic and so many other words. Have fun.

The ink kinda smeared throughout the letter. Looking at the last three words I was having trouble with I tilt my head. Obviously, Cat was call. That was simple to deduce but patriotic and mind? Ooohhh Duh! Pathetic and mine. Geeze this person needs water proof ink.

My heart skips a beat when I went to look at who this sincere letter was from.

Your friend,


The J was the only letter I could make out but I was no fool, I know who this heartfelt letter was from. There was only one person who has truly disappointed me, hurt me, that loved me unconditional and it was Jack.

I take a deep breath as it all hits me. JACK! OH MY GOD! How sweet of him! He would still take me to the dance! I-I had to text him. I had to tell him. Screw the whole strong independent shit-that was literally the sweetest letter I have ever heard. Who knew jack had such a heart!? My heart was racing.

I look through my contacts finding Jack's number.

Puddin! You are so amazing, I would love to go to the dance with you! XOXO-Harley

Jack: K.

I'll be ready! Don't you worry I'll see you at 8.

Looking on the door I see my short red sparkly dress. Oh this was gonna be some fun.

A/N: Thank you Total_Wildcard for the edit of Harley going to Gotham High that I absolutely love! ♥♥♥♥

A/N: Thank you Total_Wildcard for the edit of Harley going to Gotham High that I absolutely love! ♥♥♥♥

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