Her Smile

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"He left me."

Her voice sounded so defeated. I wanted to hug her again. Harleen's smile could brighten the darkest of days, but how could I of all people make her happy. I take a deep breath, "Harleen-"

One look in those baby blue eyes I knew. I knew she had been told by Eddie, Pamela, everyone who Jack was, how dangerous it was to be near him. She was not looking for an I told you so; but someone who understood her. "You're okay...that's all that matters." I say, handing her a cup of hot coco.

She nods but I can tell that girl's mind is elsewhere, on him of course. Jack was like a virus. He corrupted her head, filling it with doubt of who she was. He takes her fragile love and crushes it. What has he ever done for Harleen? I am lucky I found her. I don't know what I would have done if I didn't go on a chemical run tonight.

I want to understand, but I don't. The boy left her to die and she blames herself. The boy made her commit a crime and she blames herself. He is a fool, and yet again Harleen blames herself. Why do girls do that? Ridicule their own bodies and minds that are already perfect for a guy that is not worth even a single glance from her. I wanted to tell her. I wanted to show her how much we all cared for her well being but I couldn't find the words. I let silence fill the space between us, wishing there was some way I could make her feel better.

"A boy ran after Jack...Do you know who it was? Was he with you?"

My head tilts with confusion, how many people broke into Ace Chemicals tonight. "Huh?" I sound utterly confused. I do not recall seeing anyone else there besides her. I mean I know Jack was there, but I never saw him.

"A boy in black, he ran after Mister J before you came. I don't think he saw me though."

"A boy?" I froze. Could he be that ninja of the night Ed was talking about? A couple of days ago, Ed informed me about a teenager wearing all black that went about turning in criminals to the Gotham City Police Department. Ed complained about this ninja constantly, because he felt the ninja was overrated by the police. As much as I would love to share with Harleen that a Jack is probably locked up right now, I had no heart to ruin her night anymore. I shake my head no, "No I'm afraid I don't, maybe it was their security men?"

"Oh..." Her eyes trailed down, closing them for a second to fight back tears. Harleen tried to hide away how concern she was towards the boy who left her for death. She paused, opening her eyes with a strange look in them. "What were you doing at Ace Chemicals?" Her voice sounds curious as her tiny hand slips into mine.

"I was getting materials for this project of mine."

"Oh." She bit her bottom lip.

Great, now she thinks I'm a thief. I better change the subject before she asks about my project. She would not be too happy to know I've continued research on the my chemicals that almost killed her. "Why were you there?--if you don't mind me asking."

Harleen took a deep breath, "I was helping Jack...I heard what happened to him, and just wanted to get him justice." She lowered her head. "It's such a tragic story...I hope I didn't fail him."

"I'm sure you didn't Harleen." I say softly, trying to cheer her up. Honestly, I don't know what lie Jack told her to do this, but I was mad at him. How dare he take advantage of how honest and caring Harleen was. She believed in everyone, why was he trying to ruin that.

"I was trying to help out by getting to the top of the tower. They keep the files up there. That's when my clumsy self slipped off the edge, Jack was too out of distance to hear."

Did Harleen just lie to me? I was her friend, she didn't need to hide anything. I have seen how he treats her. Not to mention the fact there is no office at the top of those towers. There is no good reason to climb them at all... unless Jack was planning for her to get hurt all along. That bastard! How dare he hurt Harleen.

She could not look me in the eyes. Her gaze was focused on the wood floors, trying her best not to feel worse. I had to calm down. Tonight is about helping Harleen, I will deal with Jack later.

Tears started to slip from her eyes. Her hands trembling a little. I realize Harleen is much more upset then I originally thought. "I-I just wanted to help get justice, Jack said Ace Chemicals destroyed his life. Took him from his family all because of his accident at that stupid field trip you guys took. I was just trying to be a good girlfriend...."

"What field trip?" As soon as the question escapes my lips I am filled with regret. 

"The one you guys took to Ace Chemicals last year. The one that changed his hair color and skin, and made his family abandon him."

I paused as she spoke about jack's accident. My lips part to tell her that I knew nothing about a field trip to Ace Chemicals, ever in our High School. Instead I sigh, shaking my head. No need to make Harleen feel worse.

"And I wanted to help, because I know how it feels like to be the weirdo."

I reach for her hand trying to bring comfort to her. "What do you mean Harley, you are one of the best, coolest, people I know.."

"I mean, back at Metropolis, Brooklyn, I was always the nerd, the outcast who was made fun of. My stupid glasses, brown hair...oh." Her face turned bright red, realizing Jonathan had brown hair, glasses and was a nerd.

"I mean it works for you, you have friends in this school. I mean in Metropolis everyone they were city kids..."

I smile, seeing her back to her old rambling and smiling self again. "I knew you couldn't see that board." I tease to lighten the mood. Her face blushed a cute pink color.

"Maybe I couldn't.." She shrugs, finally admitting to something I already knew.

"If it helps I think you'd look amazing in little red glasses."

The blonde blushed heavily. There it was, her beautiful smile, the one that I loved to see. It made me smirk to watch the energy fill her eyes as she started to perk up. I am glad that Jack would never be able to rob her of that light.

The next few moments were my favorite. They were filled with giggles, smiles, and Harleen being herself in front of me, telling me about her old schools and experiences. As the night went on her smile and energy never faded. Only when the morning light shined through the living room window did we begin to feel tired and quiet.


Harleen yawns, resting her head against my shoulder. I smile, noticing how adorable she was when she was tired. Her arm curled up around mine, taking my breath away for a second.

"Yes Harleen?l

"Thank you for everything, I don't know how I'll ever repay you."

"No need." The words appear to calm her, and for once I am certain that clown was far from her mind. She looks calm as her eyes flutter close. I wish we could stay like this forever. She looks so beautiful. My tired brain hatches an idea, allowing my mouth to open once more. For a second I feel like I can do this, that I can tell her how I feel. "Harleen"

"Yes Johnny?" She smiled, her bright blue eyes opening to look up into mine. Her gaze so pure and innocent. I freeze. I couldn't do this. What if my feelings ruined the moment we share.

I pull a warm burgundy blanket over her shoulders. "You're always worth it. Remember that."

A/N: Hope you all enjoy the chapter and  have a Happy Valentines Day! Please feel free to comment what you think below.  ~E

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