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Wow! That was the longest conversation I had after my clan got killed. I realized that I really had stopped speaking much.

That kid ... Gaara, he had left after I ignored him and the kid who was whispering earlier still sat in the slide. I asked him "Why are you people so scared of that redhead?"

He didn't answer at first then decided to tell me after I gave him a look.

"Don't you know? Well ... he's kind of k-known as a de-demon here so t-the elders tell us to stay away from him" He stuttered on his words.

I signaled him to continue.

"He has a demon inside of him and he can lose control if he gets angry. That demon is the tailed beast of this village. That's all I know".

Just as he finished his sentence I feel a movement in the trees above and a ninja lands beside the kid.

He's the same man who caught me stealing Iron. He smirked at me and then told the kid to run away, the kid did as he was told.

"What did I do wrong now?" I asked.

"Haha! You're in trouble kid!" He said and took out his kunai and rushed at me. I closed my eyes.

Just as I thought I was going to get stabbed I heard the man screaming.

I opened one eye to peek at what was happening and all I saw was sand.

Sand floating in the air.

A few seconds later I saw the sand dropping back down on the ground and what I saw would stay in my head for years.

The whole scene was so scary and terrifying that I couldn't take my eyes off of the man laying on the ground covered in blood.

I looked at my right with a horrified expression and saw Gaara was standing there. But it wasn't the same Gaara I saw earlier.

This Gaara was half a demon and half human. His eyes showed the most angry and sadistic expression I had seen in my life.

One eye was black with a yellow pupil and the other half was the same sky blue. Half of his body was covered in sand with blue lines and he looked like he was evolving into a monster.

I couldn't think straight. All I could see was Gaara staring at the dead man near my feet. Suddenly he looked at me like I was his prey and he was the predator.

I backed away frightened.

He moved towards me and I could see in his eyes that he was fighting a battle in his head. All the emotions in his one blue eye could be read easily and I knew he was in pain.

He was fighting himself whether to attack me or not. I could read all this even though I was the most terrified I had been in my life.

I felt this urge to move towards him and try to calm him down but I knew better.

As he took a step forward and I took a step back he held his head in a way that he was in agony. He screamed.

I didn't know what to do. So I did what my instinct told me to.

I moved towards him slowly like trying to pet a bird without it flying away.

Slowly and carefully I approached him and put a hand on his shoulder. By now I had realized that the whole playground was empty.

He looked at me again but this time his eyes were soft and he had calmed down.

I did something that no sane person what do and I hugged him. I just felt the urge to do it and I knew he was shocked by this.

Slowly the sand fell off of him and he turned back into a normal boy. He just stood there and the moment he turned back I pulled away from the hug and looked at him shocked. What had I done?

And because of this awkward moment I turned away and ran away from him as fast as I could. I jumped on top of a tree which was short and reachable.

I sat on top of it and started to think about what the hell had just happened.

I guess this totally explains what the kid was saying. Gaara really has a demon inside of him. But he looked so innocent. Why did it have to be him?

And why did I hug him? Why did he save me?

That's when I thought that hey! He saved me. If he didn't kill that man then I would have been dead by now.

But I don't know if he saved me or just wanted to kill someone. Well, he saved me anyway.

I still had so many questions in my mind. But I knew one thing. I was able to control him. I hugged him and he turned back into a boy. He had calmed down because of me.

I headed home because there were so many things running through my mind and I decided not to think anymore before my head would explode from so many thoughts.

A/N: Plz comment about the book or any errors >.<

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