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Pacing around my room I felt tired due to the day's events. A whole lot of shit was going through my mind and I was really worried.

Oh my god! I have a crush on my friend. Why am I feeling this way? I'm supposed to be a strong-headed kunoichi who thinks wisely about everyone. But I am still 16 and have my school girl crushes.

I don't even know if he feels the same way about me, I'm just so scared. But now that I have admit my feelings for him, I don't know what to do.

Should I tell Temari? I mean she's the only one I can talk to about stuff like this. But we have a mission tomorrow and I don't know whether I will see Gaara again.

Even though its 11 pm in the night, I run to Temari's place due to frustration. I need to get this out of my mouth and tell someone. I don't know how Hinata keeps her feelings hidden from everyone. It's too hard for me. Once I reach her house, I jump to her window praying I might go unnoticed by the members of the house. I knock on it carefully.

Nothing happens for a few seconds but suddenly, in the blink of an eye the whole window is open and temari is standing there with her fan. I might even look frightened at the moment but once she realizes it's me, she lets it go.

  Putting the fan away and lending her hand to me –Which I take- she pulls me in.

"What are you doing here at this time of night?" She asks, worry spread on her face. I smile reassuringly before saying "I have to tell you something"

She looks at me curiously, wanting me to continue but I roll my eyes at her impatient behavior. She hasn't even invited me in.

I go and sit down on her bed and pat the place beside me. She hesitantly sits down. "Look, whatever I tell you, I don't want you to scream or alert anyone. It's a secret."
Her eyes shine in curiosity and excitement.

I don't know how to say this to her. Should I even trust her? ........... Well, she is the one who made me admit my feelings.

"I- I don't know how to say this. Aagh! I like ... someone" I whisper the last part.
Temari's green eyes twinkle with excitement as she stands up and starts fangirling, But suddenly jumps in front of me. "Who is it?"

"Well,um-" Should I?

"Well um what?"

"Who do you think it is?" I ask trying to switch places. "Well, I mostly think it's Gaara!" She says without hesitation.

When I give her no answer she starts jumping and screaming happily. I try to shut her up before someone comes in and asks what's happening. My prediction proves right when Kankuoro bursts through the door looking all worried and stuff.

"What's all the commotion about?" Kankuoro asks noticing me in the room.
"Rei has a crush on-" Temari almost screams out of excitement before I put my hand on her mouth to stop her from saying the name.

I give her a warning look and her face softens ... As if smiling sheepishly.
"Can't I at least tell Kankuoro! He'll feel left out" She says with pleading eyes. I roll my eyes before making Kankuoro promise not to tell anyone. When he finds out, He starts to fan- boy as well!

I feel my shoulders relax as I let out all the emotions I've been feeling. I tell them everything while they listen attentively.

"What do you think I should do now? I mean I want to tell him but I'm afraid of getting rejected. I have a feeling that he's in danger. Temari and me have to leave for a mission and won't be back for days. I just- ugh! I don't know"

They laugh at my reaction. "Well, It's your choice whether to tell him or not but I do know that he won't hurt your feelings even if he rejects you. Gaara really cares about you. And I will protect him as much as I have to if you're worried about his safety, even if it means costing my life. He is the Kazekage after all." Kankuoro says while Temari smiles at her brothers words.

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