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"Hn" Gaara says.

We're just heading back to Suna jumping from tree to tree. "I told you. I didn't cheat it from you" I say once again. We are in a heated argument and Gaara can't get over the fact that I thought of my new jutsu myself. He thinks that I copied his sand burial jutsu. Yes, I'm talking about the same jutsu I used to crush the man.

It's true but I will never admit it!

He stares at me with his intense eyes. "It's been half an hour since we started this argument. Can't you just admit you cheated it from me?"





"no" I cross my arms and pout.

He suddenly stops and pushes me against a tree. He pins my hands so I can't move and looks at my silver eyes with a serious gaze.

I stare back at him frozen in place trying to think what is happening. His sky blue eyes are so beautiful... wait, what am I thinking? Stop it mind! He's your friend and he's scary.

Everything happens so quick and it feels like the world has stopped. Just as I realize what is happening I get terrified that he will hurt me or something. I close my eyes and turn my neck the other way waiting for something to happen.

I wait.

Suddenly I feel the tight grip on my hands loosen. I slowly open my eyes and look at Gaara. His eyes hold so many emotions ... Guilt, fear, regret, sadness etc.

He lets go of me and turns around holding his head tightly. He mumbles something like 'sorry' ,turns away and disappears.

I stay there frozen thinking what the f*ck just happened!



3 months later ...

I look behind me at the huge gates of Sunagakure.

"Huh! Well I guess I won't be seeing you again?" I say quietly looking at Suna. My black backpack hung on my shoulders that was hidden by a big brown cloak covering my whole body.

I sighed and turned around heading for the sandy plains in front of me.

I have finally decided that I leave Suna and head for Konoha. If I want to get stronger I have to move on. I don't really have anything to leave except my home. I still didn't make any friends that I love by heart. I told Gaara that I was leaving and he was sad but I guess he really didn't show it due to his stubbornness.

Grains of sand slightly grazed my pink cheeks as I forced my way through the sandy air.

Whoops! I forgot to tell you what happened after that mission Gaara and I went to ... well I got back and reported to the err- temporary Kazekage after getting out of my shock. We sorted things out a few days later and I guess we're back to normal.

But that day just is just stuck in my mind like a permanent memory. I don't know why but I'll hopefully get over it.

The scenery changes and I see trees and grass.






".. yes lady hokage!"

"Okay, Well then congratulations! You are now a leaf shinobi" Lady tsunade says. I smile and thank her then shizune leads me to my new apartment. I am now an official konaha ninja after a long conversation and convincing the hokage.

I know I'm still a chuunin and only 14 but I can't waste time. I have to use every bit of my life to train and become the best. I'll most probably go back to Suna because I just came here to train but let's see if I'll enjoy living here.

I change into some fresh clothes and leave my new house to look around the wonderful and sand free village. I breath in the smell of trees and greenery ... thank god I left that sand infested village. No Rei! You shouldn't think about it like that, it's your home! I say to myself.

I notice I've been talking to myself a lot lately.

"Oi, Naruto-kun! Get back here!" I heard a furious girl's voice.

When I turned to look at who was shouting I noticed a girl with pink short hair who is chasing a blonde. That blonde, he looks familiar!

Oh right ... that's the same boy and girl from the chuunin exams! Naruto and Sakura. Yeah I have a good memory.

The blonde bumps into me and I look at him, anger written all over my face. I don't like people touching me even by accident. The blonde or should I say Naruto looks at me scared and backs away.

"g-gomen" He says. Am I really that scary? Well, I think he deserves t-

"Hello, I'm Sakura Haruno and this stupid boy here is Naruto. Are you new here?" pink haired girl asks. Naruto is glaring at her because she just smacked him in the head ... I like this girl!

"Yes ... I'm Rei benipe from Sunagakure" They took a fighting stance suddenly. "Don't worry ... I wasn't part of the attack and lady tsunade has allowed me to stay here for a few years" I said calmly still in my cool pose.

(A/N: Cool pose is how Neji or Sasuke stand arrogantly with their arms folded on their chests. I didn't know what to write :'D :'D)

They calmed down and Naruto put his hands on his head lazily. "So you wanna hangout and meet the rest of the gang?"

I look at him questioningly. How can this guy want to be friends with someone he just met. I thought it takes a few years for someone to trust each other. This kid, Naruto ... He's different. I can sense something similar to what I sensed in Gaara. He has a different aura.

I nod my head calmly and they lead me to the forest.


"And I am rock Lee, My youthful flower!" The weird guy in the last says. My eyes widen. How dare he call me his ... youthful flower? Now he is even weirder.

I go over and punch him in the face. He flies and crashed into the nearby tree. Everyone including Naruto, Sakura, Ino, Shikamaru, Choji, Tenten, Neji, Kiba, Shino, and Hinata look at me shocked. I shrug and say "He called me his youthful flower and I found him weird."

Lee get's up and puts his hand out in a fighting stance "I Rock Lee challenge Rei to a fight!" He yells.

I look at him and smirk. "And I accept"

Tenten jumps between us and shouts "Lee have you looked in the mirror. You just came out of a hospital because you have a broken leg. You are not ready to fight. I'm sorry Rei choose another opponent"

Lee starts to whine and I chuckle quietly. "sorry Lee, I didn't know you were hurt" He huffs.

I look at the others questioningly. "Well, Who wants to fight me then?"

A/N: Hey! Sorry I had to skip time. Just so you know ... I have no idea why I named this book 'The missing Kunoichi' ... If you have a better name then please tell me! (BTW Gomen means sorry)



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