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As soon as the words left her mouth I stared at shizune shocked. The akatsuki. Attacked the Kazekage. Ohmygod! Does Temari know? Is Gaara alright??

"What? You mean Gaara?" I heard Naruto asking from beside me. Shizune slowly nodded and started to run towards the kage mansion. I jumped from my seat in a hurry and ran after her, Naruto and Sakura following me.

I barged into the hokage's office and saw Temari already standing there with a face of concern. "What happened to the Kazekage? Is he alright?" I ask.

Tsunade gets up from her table slowly and starts to anwer all of my questions. "He has been captured by the Akatsuki!"

"So is he alive?"


"How's the village?"

"Gaara protected it with all his power. It's in perfect shape!"

I let out a sigh of relief.

"Shizune, summon Kakashi immediately!" The hokage commands and shizune hurries away with Tonton in her hands.


One hour later Naruto, Sakura, Kakashi, Temari and me are heading back to Suna.

It was reported that Kankuoro has been poisoned and no one can save him. I even had a little panic attack at this point. Why was this happening all of a sudden? Kankuoro, one of my best friend is at the peak of dying and Gaara has been captured. All of this ... is this the reason I was feeling all of that? Because of my bond with the village.

I felt a tear slide my cheek but I wiped it before anyone saw it.

"Don't worry! I'm sure I'll be able to save Kankuoro! Naruto won't let Gaara get captured" Sakura whispered to me reassuringly.

I gave her a small smile. I was determined to save Gaara. He can't get away from me that easily.

When we reached the village, we rushed to the hospital where I saw Kankuoro in such a vulnerable state.

He was in so much pain the even I couldn't bear seeing him like that.

I left the room and sat down outside the door leaving the others in there, Discussing how to save them. A few minutes later an old woman and man came out of the door followed by Kakashi and Naruto.

They all sat a few seats beside me to give me some space and then started bickering something about the white flash.

I sat there distressed and anxious. My hands were on my face as I calmed myself down. Ok Rei! You're a ninja. You shouldn't show weakness in front of anyone. Just keep the cool!

I told myself and finally straightened up. Kankuoro's screams could be heard and I couldn't take it anymore. I looked at them "I'm going out to get some fresh air. If anything happens ... come and inform me" I say monotonously giving them a serious face.


At last Kankuoro has been cured by Sakura and I don't know how to thank her. Temari volunteered in staying behind and taking care of his brother while kakashi, Naruto, Chiyo (the old lady earlier) Sakura and me leave to save Gaara.

We encountered a lot of shit. The akatsuki! They are seriously horrifying. I didn't go all the way with them because I got stopped in the way when Itachi (An akatsuki member) came in front of us in a flash. We were losing time so I decided that it was time I used my powers and show everyone my Iron skills.

It sure was a long fight with him but I managed to defeat him with the help of Kakashi, at last finding out that he was a dummy. I had lost a lot of Chakra and I was hungry and very tired. So I made a wise decision and told all of them to move on while I head back to the village and report to the elders.

Of course I had been running and fighting non-stop and I hadn't eaten since a day before so I guess I just felt that I would be a burden to them. They told me to take care of myself when I left.


It's been 2 days since all of this happened and I'm anxiously waiting for the return of Naruto and the others, hoping that Gaara is alive and well. I'm worried about them too but tsunade sent us a message that she sent another team out to help Naruto.

I feel so weak and hopeless at the moment. But I know if I hadn't been there then the fake Itachi would have cost them a lot of time. I've heard that Itachi killed his whole clan by himself so I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have been able to defeat him.

I was sitting with Temari in a hospital room, where Kankuoro was lying in bed recovering. Despite being angry at myself, I'm still happy that we were able to save Kankuoro. My whole body has been tense ever since shizune told us that Gaara was in danger so I'm getting impatient to see Gaara.

I still haven't told him about how I feel. "I've made a decision" I tell Temari looking at the sleeping form of Kankuoro.

"I will tell Gaara how I feel as soon as we save him" I continue. A tear rolls down my cheek as I wonder how he's doing.

Temari notices this and smiles at me. Patting my shoulders, knowing I don't like hugs.

I only like to hug Gaara. A small smile appears on my face at the thought.

A knock is heard at the door and I quickly get up telling them to come in. A man comes in and says "The elders have said that we should go and aid the konoha shinobi. A message has been sent that they have saved him, but they don't know if the Kazekage is alive!"

My silver eyes widen at the last part. Please don't die on me Gaara.

Please be safe, I'm coming for you and I don't want to find you dead!

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter! But I was bored so I decided to write! What do you think so far?


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