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I looked at Temari "Are you coming?"

She slowly shook her head and pointed towards Kankuoro. "I have to stay with him. I trust you to save Gaara and bring him back safely."

I smiled at her and then quickly headed towards the exit door. I went to the Kage mansion and started shouting orders. Surprisingly they all listened to me and quickly scurried away to complete their duties. Gaara's teacher Baki stayed by my side helping me with commanding everyone. Once we were ready we headed towards Suna's gates immediately.

I looked at the coordinates that were sent by Naruto and the others and started leading all the ninja's towards the place. I kept my pace slow because these ninja's aren't as powerful and active as me.

We kept running for a few hours but suddenly Baki stopped me. I looked back to see all the ninjas breathless and tired. "They need rest. They can't keep up!" Baki said.

I rolled my eyes at the weaklings and stopped to tell them to rest. "You can all rest for now and follow Baki. I'm going!" With that I handed Baki the coordinates and jumped my way through the trees in super ninja speed.

I couldn't take it. Gaara might be dying and here we are resting. That's why I decided on going ahead of them and reaching him as fast as possible.

The sun was setting. I had been running for a few hours so I decided to sit down and eat something before all my energy is gone.

Please be alive Gaara! I'm coming for you! I repeated in my mind as I sat on the branch of a tall tree. Then suddenly an Idea popped in my head.

"Iron style: Iron moulding jutsu!" The small amount of Iron I had turned into a base type thing, just like when Gaara floats on his sand. I start to float on the Iron too and remembered the last time I floated on this thing.

I was on a mission with Gaara and he was floating on his sand while I kept running to catch up with his pace. I got so tired and then suddenly had an Idea to make the same thing but instead make it out of Iron. And so I copied Gaara's jutsu and managed to float beside him.

The memory was so fresh as if it happened a few days ago.

The sun was setting as I floated away on my Iron base. I looked at the slight orange sky. The view was so beautiful from on top of my Iron that I almost forgot that I was in a hurry.

"There she is! Is that Iron? Oi! Rei come over here!" I heard a certain blonde haired boy's voice.

I looked down and saw Naruto and the others standing. I looked closely to see a sleeping form of Gaara laying on the Grass.

Naruto didn't look happy, which worried me so I lowered my Iron to reach the ground.

I jumped near them and hurried towards Gaara. "Is he alive? What happened to him?" I said distressed.

I took his cold hand in mine as I sat down beside his sleeping form. Or so I thought!

"I-I don't know! Sakura check him!" Naruto said. Sakura quickly hurried towards Gaara and took his other hand to check the pulse.

"T-there's no pulse!" Sakura stuttered. I looked at her, my eyes wide. "Well, try to heal him!" I shouted panicking.

She put her hands on top of his body and a blue aura surrounded them. Sakura tried again and again but he wouldn't budge.

"H-how can that be possible? Someone help him! He can't die" I heard Naruto shout. Despite all the facts, I can't accept that he's dead.

"Gaara please wake up!" I silently said to him. I brought his hand to my mouth and lightly kissed it.

Iron Queen | Gaara Where stories live. Discover now