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I can't believe 7 years have passed since the shukaku attacked our village.

I was so young and weak back then but now ... I'm getting stronger and stronger as the days pass.

I kicked Kahuko in the stomach and he went flying back into a tree the 5th time this day. We are training for the chunin exams. Yes, I'll be giving them in konaha because I'm finally 13.

Only my team and the sand siblings are going. Apparently all the genins our age aren't good enough and have to train harder.

Right. Back to Kahuko. Well, he's a fellow teammate other then Nate and sensei (I was too lazy to find a name and this just popped into my head so bear with me) I can't really call them friends because they don't like to hang out with me other than training. Kahuko seems to be the goofy one who doesn't like to focus. Nate seems to be the more serious one but still isn't good enough in training; we usually end up having a tie whenever we battle. But trust me I would've won more than a hundred times if sensei allowed me to use Iron. But then I might kill him.

I went to the tree and helped Kahuko up then dusted my hands on my thighs. I was wearing a sea green lose crop top on top of mesh ninja armor, black tights that reached till below my knee and all the ninja gear on a black belt around my waist. My gray hair reached till my mid-back and I wore a sea green hair band ... though my bangs still fell on my face.

I liked it that way. It helped me to cover up my face so nobody can see me.

I hopped on the highest branch of the tree and sat there in silence.

7 years have passed and Gaara never came near me. I didn't try to approach him either. I guess that day was literally snapped like a picture in my mind. I couldn't forget it no matter how much time has passed.

And anyway he is the one who's supposed to apologize to me for scaring the shit out of me so I think there's no point in talking to him.

Whenever at night no one is allowed to go out, I look out of my window and see him sitting on top of a building staring at the moon.

I wonder what is going on in that head of his. He has caught me staring sometimes and he looks back at me with eyes I can't read.

Anger, sorrow, pity, hatred, shame and many other emotions shine in his eyes. Why is he always so confusing. I close the curtains before things get awkward.

Though I'm still scared of him, I just know that he will never hurt me. We were never friends but he is the only person who managed to make a conversation with me, and when I see him in his state I'm always thankful to God that I'm not in his place.

I know he has gone through a lot and we both have many similarities, thats why I find him interesting. I want to somehow understand him.

I want to help him because the way he handles things by hating everyone isn't the right way. He's just making more people hate him.

But I know I won't be able to help him. I lack in confidence and he needs to apologize to me before I can talk to him.

Yes, I know I'm stubborn. I just hope he will be okay.

" Hey Rei! We just finished training, want to go eat something?" Kahuko snaps me out of my thoughts.

I process his words in my mind and I realize what he just asked. Did he just ask me to go with him?

Confusion was written all over my face when I jumped off the tree to the grassy ground. Nate was leaning over a tree with his arms folded and eyes closed while Kahuko stood there looking at me with hopeful eyes.

"m-me?" I stuttered.

"yeah! I guess we've been teammates long enough and we will go out on difficult missions after we become chunin so why not get to know each other?"

"O-okay!" a small smile lit up in my face.

We went to a dango shop and ordered. This felt weird. To go eat with someone.

Just as we were eating someone entered. I looked up from my plate and to my surprise there stood the sand siblings.

Temari looked at us and she came over excited and started chatting with my teammates. "Hey Rei! How's it going?"

I looked at her "Trainings good, thanks for asking!"

Gaara and Kankuoro came and sat on the table next to ours. They ordered and then Kankuoro came and started chatting.

Gaara just sat there like me. I had finished my food so I got up and said " Kahuko! I'm leaving!"

"okay then! Bye Rei" I was about to leave when I looked at Gaara's direction and saw him staring at me. I blinked and looked at him again, that's when he realized he was staring at me and turned away. I sighed and left the dango shop.

I started to jump from roof to roof and headed home.

This was a unique day!

A/N: well? Do u like it? I hope it's going well! ...

Thanks :* U guys are awesome!

Btw I update every 4 days ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½ D ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½

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