Chapter 1:

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Rin's POV:
I thought everything would be okay that I had true friends, but it was all just wishful thinking, how could I be so stupid?, how could I trick myself into thinking that I could ever have happiness after all they are right all I am is a worthless demon. Everything was okay until they found out who my father is and what I really am all because I defended them and saved their lives. I save them from Amaimon and this is how they thank me by turning their backs on me and betraying me in the worst of ways.
I can't believe this happened I thought this could last, I was so wrong, I thought I could have friends and have a normal life but I was wrong. Here I am again everyone sees me as a monster they are all afraid of me, the ones I used to call friends now hate me because I am a demon.

As I enter to cram school, I can already feel the stares and some glares as I walk to sit in my new spot the last seat since everyone keeps me away from them. I wait till Yukio comes so the lecture can start and I can bury my face into the book and get away from this world if only for an hour or so. After a while Yukio arrives and starts his lecture while i'm obviously not listening too distracted in my thoughts waiting for class to be over so I can be alone. As class goes on I can hear all the things they whisper about me with hateful glares and fearful glances "how could they let him here with us? What if he goes berserk and kills us all", "disgusting demon he should be dead", "because of him my temple is gone and I lost everyone" "what a nuisance". I can't help but tear up as I hear this even tho I wish it wouldn't hurt as much it still does. How foolish am I to think I could have family and friends I guess it was all just an illusion a dream and I just woke up to face the harsh reality. My life if I can call it that, has no meaning whatsoever I'm just a tool for everyone to use. I am not seen as a human anymore my emotions and feelings don't matter to anyone for them demons have no feelings. How sad sometimes humans act more like demons than they think; all they do they hurt others kill each other even hurt themselves, something must be wrong with humanity, they don't realize they are worse than a demon when they make someone hurt so much they wish they never existed. When you lose everything you love, When everyone hates you and you also hate yourself... is there any hope when the person you love hurts you the most, why feel? When your reasons to live are over why keep living?. I keep thinking to myself if I were gone would anyone miss me? The answer is no everyone hates me even my brother I might as well be dead for everyone already.

As class finishes I wait till everyone leaves to be able to go away from everyone without being noticed, not that I'm noticed anyways no one care about me only Kuro.

I walk back to the dorm and go straight towards my room since Yukio and I now sleep in separate rooms. Just as I get to my room Kuro greets me 'Rin! Rin!' Says Kuro purring and jumping up to me "Hey Kuro" I scratch behinds his ears and pet him. 'I guess the only one who cares about me is Kuro huh.' "Hey Kuro in going to take a shower ok stay here" I put him on my bed grab my stuff and go straight to the bathroom locking the door behind me. I raise my sleeves revealing old and new cuts I take my razor blade and drag it across my skin 'You are wothless,' 'You shouldn't exist,' 'No one loves you why don't you kill yourself?' this thoughts run through my mind as I drag the blade through my skin I then watch as the blood droplets stain the sink and the floor I strip and get into the shower watching the blood that runs from my wrist, but not for too long as my demonic healing starts kicking in, another thing that reminds me how much of a monster I am. I sink to my knees and cry under the water. 'Why? Why is this happening why does everyone hate me dont they know I have feelings too?' I wish I could end this nightmare called life I have no one to live for, so why keep this torture going? I should end this suffering that way I won't have to feel anymore. Everyone will be relieved and happy the threat to their lives will be gone. The only one who would be sad for me is Kuro but I'm sure he will get used to it. My brother (if I can still call him that) would be relieved he would have one less responsibility more like burden on his hands after all he left it very clear to me that he would kill me if necessary, so I'm sure he'd be okay with my death. If not that Vatican will end me either way, if I don't learn how to control my flames, I should do that pretend to go berserk so they finally kill me death is the only thing I wish for. Love, hope, happiness, all of those are useless impossible for a person like me to acomplish. I fell in love and what did it cost me? more suffering because the one person I love is the one who hurts and hates me the most; Bon he was the light of my day, my reason to smile even if we were just arguing like fools he always found a way to brighten my day, ever since the first time I was with him I knew I fell for him there was something about him that drew me in. He stole my heart and I let him, of course he never knew this he was and still is oblivious as to how I feel, and if he knew he would be even more disgusted, a demon and gay what a nice combination for me isn't?. Father Fujimoto or dad knew that I was gay and never judged me, I could be so free with him I could tell him everything and he would always listen and cheer me up he was my other reason to live and because of me he is dead I killed him so now I have nothing left.
This is my story I am Rin Okumura I am hated because I am a demon not only that but I am satan's spawn...

{A/N: Just finished editing this chapter let me know what you think of it comment and constructive criticism accepted -Insomniac Writer}

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