Chapter 18:

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Third POV:
Rin's recovery from his wounds was slow since his demonic healing wasn't working Bon made sure to visit him everyday and pamper him with affection. Shima confessed that Rin didn't cheat on Bon that he was jealous because he liked Rin but could never gain his love like Bon did lets say that he received a punch to the face from Bon which ended with a huge nosebleed. Rin was still cautious and reserved as ever with everyone his mind still told him that he wouldn't never have Bon's love back or his friends so he still kept quiet most of the time feeling the urge to self-harm for his nature and sorrows, it would take long before could be back to normal.

Today would be the day Rin would be discharged from the hospital and one of his biggest battles would begin, the battle with his depression, the battle with his mind Rin knew he couldn't continue this way he still wanted to die he still thought he was worthless so he was given  medications one that was supposed to help with his depression and one with his insomnia. His brother insisted that he should visit a therapist but Rin just refused to do so and got really defensive saying he needed no therapist that he wasn't crazy. He told everyone he was fine but it was obvious he was struggling to hide his pain, he wanted to believe that they wouldn't hurt him but his mind and memories told him otherwise. Yukio told Rin that he for his own safety he had to be kept with company so everyone voted on Bon staying with Rin in his room while the others stayed with him throughout the day. Rin often had night terrors or insomnia tonight was one of those. Bon was asleep in the bed next to Rin's when he heard Rin whimpering in his sleep he opened his eyes and looked at Rin moving to his side rapidly once he noticed Rin was curled up into a ball sweating, trembling and crying. He rapidly hugged Rin kissing his damp forehead and whispering sweet nothings in his ears "it's okay baby I'm here just open your eyes, I love you baby I'll be there for you" Rin let out a small whimper then started to open his eyes once he felt the warmth around him and heard Bon's voice. "B-Bon?" he said quietly still trembling in Bon's arms "Yes baby? I'm here are you ok?". Rin shook his head and sniffled "Do you want to tell me about it?" Bon asked softly as he caressed Bon face. "I-it was about f-father" he said quietly them whimpered. At this Bon kissed his forehead and said "You know he loved you more than anything and that will never change he would want you to be happy" once Bon said this Rin burried his face in the crook of Bon's neck as Bon rubbed his back soothingly. "Sleep baby I'm here for you" they both close their eyes and fall into a peaceful sleep in each other arms.

To be continued...

A/N: sorry for the short chapter I've been really busy life has been a dick. Thanks for reading commenting and voting I read each comment I appreciate it a lot my lovely kittens insomniac writer out.

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