Chapter 5:

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Bon's POV:
I entered the house still calling Rin's name my heart beating faster as my voice was laced with worry "Rin where are you?" I headed towards their rooms and found a very anxious Kuro urging me to follow him 'just what the hell did you do Rin?' I opened the door and the sight I was greeted with made my heart stop and my eyes cloud with tears. Rin was laying on the floor around a pool of his own blood for some reason his demonic healing wasn't kicking in. "Oh no Rin why?!" I reached forward and held his body in my arms checking if there was any pulse. I freaked out and called everyone I could I couldn't hide the tears or the sadness and desperation on my voice. "I swear I'll make it up to you Rin I'm sorry for not noticing you were like this but please don't leave me" I leaned forward and pressed my lips against his. What I didn't see was the shocked faces of Shiemi, Shima, Konekomaru and Paku as they saw the the son of Satan bleeding to death.
Third POV:
Soon sobs erupted and tears were shed as many questions were asked 'why did this happen? how could we do this to him?, we are the monsters not him, how are we going to tell this to sensei?, is he going to survive?' soon enough Shiemi ran towards Bon and Rin and tried her best to stop the bleeding while they waited for Mephisto and the doctors. The atmosphere was tense and sobs could be heard from the distance regrets and sorrow present in all of their hearts as they hoped Rin could survive this meanwhile Rin was slowly being dragged by the claws of death.

{A/N: i'm sorry I know this is crap I'm having writers block and depression I'll try my best. Now will Rin survive, will Bon be able to show Rin his love? Read to find out. Comments are well accepted I feel like no one is reading this and it makes me sad and want to quit.}

To be continued...

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