Chapter 11:

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Bon's Pov:

As I opened the door I see Rin laying down on the hospital bed with his eyes closed but I knew he wasn't so I walked up to the table to the side of his bed and puts the flowers there then I nervously spoke "H-hey Rin I j-just wanted to say that i'm sorry for everything you went through because of us and I hope you can forgive me someday" I held his hand gently and let some tears run down my cheeks "I can't believe you actually tried to kill yourself I-I can't get that image out of my mind finding you covered in blood so frail and hopeless" he glanced up at me with teary eyes as I let my tears run down my cheeks "I-I wouldn't know what would become of me if you were gone Rin" what he said afterwards broke my heart "w-why would anyone care you all hate me" he said in a soft voice as tears ran down his cheeks "I don't hate you Rin we don't hate you, we were scared because we didn't knew what your powers could do but we realized how wrong we were, I-I realized how wrong I was I cant live without you Rin" I looked at him straight in the eye "I-I love you Rin I understand if you don't accept my feelings after all im the guilty one for all of this" he looked at me his eyes widening at the words I just said "I'll leave now I hope you like the flowers and chocolate" I said trying to hide the sadness in my voice I was about to let go of his hand and turn around when I was surprised by being pulled into his arms I wrapped my arms around him as well and teared up then I heard his soft and sweet voice say "I-I love you too B-bon" my eyes widened and I looked at him and noticed a small blush on his cheeks then I leaned closer my breath ghosting over his lips then I gently pressed my lips to his he hesitated for a moment before kissing back the kiss was gentle and lovingly we broke the kiss and looked into each others eyes pressing our foreheads together "Will you Rin Okumura be my boyfriend?" He blushed cutely before answering "Y-yes" I smiled at him and caressed his cheek lovingly
'I promise I wont let anyone hurt you like that again you are and will always be my one and only love' what we didn't notice was a very red looking Shiemi after a squeak she fainted "O-oh shit Shiemi" we both blushed brightly as me and Shima lifted her from the floor and put some rubbing alcohol in front of her nose.

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