Chapter 16:

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Third Pov:

Once they arrived to the now abandoned village they got their gears and went to search for the high level demon it wasn't a hard task since it attracted lower level demons and such. One they got there Rin rapidly got into a fighting stance and unsheathed Kurikara freeing his demonical features and flames. As he approached the demon the demon rapidly got into a fighting stance and undefeated it's claws. The demon had black wings that reached the floor sharp teeth that could bite off any type of skin of metal, sharp claws as hard as iron and a tail sharpened and ready to kill the demon was 6'11" tall. In this point Rin thought dying will be easier than I thought. As they were fighting the demon could throw a dark substance that could burn the skin almost like acid. As Rin went to attack the demon moved faster and clawed at his back making Rin yell out in pain while the others tried to shoot and use mantras to help Rin while the demon still clawed at his back Rin took the chance to slice one of the demons wing so it had less mobility. The demon growled in pain and hit Rin making Rin fly in the air and hit the floor pain. Rin wheezed since his ribs painfully tightened and his demonical healing wasn't working at that moment his brother shot the demon with powerful bullets weakening the demon but also angering it as the demon ran towards Yukio who was defenseless at that moment to thrust his claws inside his chest Rin tan fast screaming Yukio's name "Yukio!!" While the others were crying or yelling from their friends. Rin stepped in front of Yukio as the claws his shoulder him screaming in pain. "Aaahh!!" Yukio trying to fight off the demon from killing his brother as Bon and Konekomaru were trying to find the demon's death spell. Rin thrust his blade on the demons arm his flames weakening a little. At that moment Shiemi used her familiar to produce thorns of poisonous plants to show the demon down. Rin was having a hard time fighting or even staying awake he already had broken ribs, his shoulder and back were also bleeding heavily and cuts covered his weak and thin body. Mephisto who was surveying things was surprised to see how much Rin has lasted it seemed he didn't want to go down without dealing greater damage on the demon he found this rather amusing that even though Rin was broken hearted he still wanted everyone safe. He would have to intervene dinner or later since he didn't want any students or Rin to die on this. Meanwhile the demon whose name resulted to be Adramelech had bien free from the thorns Rin rapidly aporoaching the weakened demon and stabbing him in the stomach but just as he did so the demon thrust his claws inside Rin's chest. To Rin it felt as binding pain with the last of his strength he thrust his blade into the demons chest watching it fall, only a gasp and a splutter of blood leaving his mouth as Rin fell to his knees gasping for air Kurikara falling to the ground as the exorcists even Mephisto running towards him. Bon reaches Rin just as he falls completely to the floor, he holds him and cries desperately as he watches the love of his life about to die "Rin no please don't leave me I need you, I love you" at this Rin gasps weakly "I-I thought y-you hate me, I was n-never cheating I l-loved and always will love y-you" as Rin said this he could feel his body becoming cold and numb his vision also darkening until everything turned black...

To be continued...

A/N: sorry for the long wait guys I was really having a hard time to write this, sorry if it's short, also familiar issues, well its really late but happy new years also vote and comments are my food.


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until later my kittens ~🐱💖

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