Chapter 13:

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After Rin and Bon walked out of the restaurant they walked hand in hand making small conversation about the food and how they should go on more dates. "Next time we can go to the movies or a amusement park, also it all those candies I know you love Rin" said Bon lovingly as he walked with Rin "I would love that baby but im happy any where I just need you by my side" said Rin smiling at him they kept smiling and talked until they reached the dorms Bon kissed Rin lovingly and passionately and put his arms around Rin as he locked his arms around the back of Bon's neck he licked Rin's lower lip asking for entrance which Rin rapidly allowed and the kiss got heated Bon slipped his hand inside Rin's shirt touching his abdomen and ribs reaching up to touch Rin's nipples making him moan into the kiss this happened until Rin broke the kiss and said softly "w-wait baby I'm not ready to go any further" Bon smiled at him and said "its alright baby I'll wait until you are ready" they both smiled and kissed softly "see you tomorrow love you Rin" "I love you too Bon" said Rin smiling. The few next days on Cram School the others started noticing they were being rarely clingy but they thought it was in a friendly way since the only one who knew about their relationship was Shiemi after school Bon and Rin where walking back when Rin asked "Should we tell the other about us?" Bon looked at Rin and said "don't worry soon we will" they both smiled to each other and kept walking. The Cram school students had been on a few missing since then and all of them had gone surprisingly well except one when some holy water fell over Rib he cried out as the water hit his skin and burned it Shiemi rapidly got into action with her familiar and put some herbs over the skin to help the healing process as Bon stayed by his side after a few days the burns were healed.
It has been two weeks since the holy water accident and things were going wonderfully, things were getting better and better Bon and Rin told the others about their relationship and they took it well and congratulated them what know was that someone wasn't very pleased about this and wanted Rin to himself during these two weeks Shima had been clingy towards Rin but they thought it was just in a friendly way. Rin never thought it would be Shima himself who would ruin every bit of happiness he had with Bon, one day after Cram School Shima insisted he wanted to walk with Rin towards his dorm since Bon would be visiting Rin later on Rin trusted him and let him do it. Once they reached the dorm Rin let Shima enter just as they enter Shima forcefully pinned Rin against the wall "w-what are y-you" he was cut off by Shima forcefully kissing him just as Bon entered and saw them Shima let go of Rin quickly "W-wait this isnt what you think honey" said Rin as he saw the way Bon was looking at them both "how could you Rin! I thought you loved me" said Bon and Rin approached him with teary eyes "Babe p-please listen to m-me" he was cut off by Bon slapping him hard in the face, Rin fell back holding his cheek and now busted lip with tears falling from his eyes just as Bon walked away Shima was about to approach Rin when he yelled at him "get out of here Shima I hate you, you ruined everything" said Rin crying and sobbing Shima left shortly after that. Rin had promised Bon he wouldn't cut again but he broke his promise this day as he cried and sobbed in the bathroom behind a closed door with blood running down his wrists and falling onto the water in the tub. The next day they noted the odd behavior between them and how Rin went back to sitting in the back of the classroom and was wearing long sleeved shirt in the middle of summer and how they wouldn't look at each other but stayed quiet. To make the matters even worse after two weeks Bon got into a relationship with a girl and Rin fell deeper into his depression some days he would even show up at school he was getting thinner and cutting more the others noticed his lack of weight and happiness and felt bad about this but they didn't know what to do they tried talking to Rin and cheering him up but nothing worked. Each and everyday they saw how Rin was giving up on living and how they couldn't do anything about it.

To be continued...

{A/N: please dont hate me!! And sorry for the long wait. I've been really busy with college and life also writing this wasn't easy at all Just remember votes and comments are my food please feed me my lovely readers and remember if you ever feel depressed and sad think positive everything will get better don't give up, always be yourselves no matter what haters and people think 😘💗 bye my kittens I'll try to update soon!!}

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