Chapter 3:

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Rin's pov:
I watched by the window as my brother Yukio walked away from the dorms his luggage neatly packed as he hauls it behind him as left for his mission I stay there watching as he walks further away, knowing this is tye last time I'll  ever see my brother. Even tho he hates me I love him with all my heart, im sure he will be overjoyed once he comes back and finds my dead body, so I can only smile sadly as I look at him for the last time, I get up and grab a notebook and a pencil preparing myself to write my suicide note. I can't help but wonder how my life could have been of I were human, I find myself wondering why I had to be born a demon.

I never wanted this, all I ever wanted was a normal peaceful life. I never had a choice, I didn't ask to be born to this world. I thought perhaps things would be different everything seemed to be looking up for me but all the hope in me is extinguished all for one mistake. One mistake is all it took for my life to fall apart, I wish I could turn back time but it is not possible, my attempt to save them ended up being my downfall. I will never be accepted for who I am, I will die knowing I was never loved or cherished, I was never good enough, it took me too long to realize I never had hope of succeeding in life. Perhaps it was foolish of me to think that things would work out if I stayed positive and loved those around me, I loved with all my heart and gave myself completely. I opened my heart up to them and even so it wasn't enough. No matter how much I begged for forgiveness and tried to convince them I wasn't evil they didn't care, all they saw was a demon who went berserk. All I wanted was to protect them, I thought they were my family I loved them as such. Now my heart is broken into shards nearly pulverized by the pain of my existence. The only solution I can think of is ceasing to exist, this pain is too much to bear, it is a burden I can no longer carry. I just want to let go of all this pain, I want to be free of my suffering.

Before I begin I walk over to the dorms door and lock them making sure the bolts are secured too, I know no one will ever come to this dorm to see me but I can never be too cautious if I want to succeed,

'I might as well this this over with no one cares anyways, everyone hates me, I wish I was never born'
I wrote my note, my last words thoughts and feelings displayed on paper for the whole world to see, I'm too tired sick of pretending so I pour every sentiment and thought on this paper as I say my last words, though I know no one would even care to read it. I am a monster a waste of time everyone will be happy once I die. I grabbed my blade and high level holy water I stole from Yukio and headed to the bathroom I locked the door and sat on the floor. I carefully dipped my blade in the holy water making sure it was completely soaked in it, after that I grabbed the already prepared syringe of holy water and stabbed it into my arm, I can't help but yell as the holy water courses painfully through my body making sure that my demon healing doesn't get in the way. I lift my sleeve and press the razor against my wirst I slid it as deep as I could making a swift cut from my wrist to my elbow and didn't stop until both of my arms were completely sliced through, I start feeling lightheaded and dizzy however I feel content knowing that the end of my torture is near as I bleed more and more, my blood making a pool around me, I feel my body getting colder and heavier as my life source slips through the cuts in my arms my vision tunneling and blurring, my perception tarnished as I shudder taking in raspy and fast breaths as my body goes into shock because of the blood loss "goodbye Yukio I know you wont miss me" I said with a smile and tears running down my face. I pant on the floor as spots dance through my vision before I succumb into the waiting arms of the impending darkness...

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