Chapter 19:

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3rd POV:
Three long years have gone by and in those years Rin has recovered well both physically and mentally. Bon convinced him to start on therapy sessions to aid his mental health and self-esteem, Rin was mad at first but understood he needed this if he wanted to get better. In these three years the crew graduated from cram school finaly achieving their goals. Bon and Rin couldn't be better there were still though times but they went through all difficulties together, which is what brings todays nervousness a certain two toned haired boy pases nervously as he awaits for Rin to arrive to the twins birthday half an hour later he arrives to the surprise birthday with his brother they bring gifts food and drinks and start having a good time. Later on the night Bon holds Rins hand and leads him to the center of the group and says "Rin I love you with all of my heart I cant imagine my life without you, you make me complete when I almost lost you three years ago I realized I wanted to life till the last day of my life with you and this is why I ask" he kneels on one knee and opens a small box with a ring inside "will you marry me?" As Rin hears Bon's words he tears up covering his mouth then says "Yes Bon I love you so much" Bon gets up and puts the ring on his finger then kisses him deeply both males melting into the kiss as everyone around them cheer loudly while snapping photos to remember this beautiful moment.

Six months later they were on the altar saying their vows to each other as Yukio led the wedding ceremony both dressed in white suits uniting their lives till death.

One year later after a few heated nights Rin is holding a positive pregnancy test when Bon walks in "B-baby im pregnant" he says nervously right as he says this Bon gasps and hugs him tightly "I'm so happy love". According to the doctor it seems that his he is had demon this also brought the ability to have offsprings. Nine months later Rin gave birth to beautiful and healthy twins one boy and a girl, the boy named Ryu and the girl named Risa.

The end...

{A/N: Well this is the end of Satan's Spawn sorry I know it is cheap writers block is a pain please let me know your thoughts about this goodbye.
-insomniac writer}

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