Chapter 8:

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Rin's POV:
I was surrounded by darkness and couldn't move my body 'Am I dead is this hell?' As I kept wondering I started hearing voices around me but I couldn't recognize them everything was fuzy I opened my eyes only to be blinded by a white light. After a few minutes I realized I was in the True cross Academy  'Great I didn't even succeed at my suicide attempt I bet everyone will hate me even more'. As mu thoughts kept wandering I didn't realize I was crying or that a nurse entered my room "Oh your brother and friends were waiting for you to wake up" 'Friends what friends I dont have anyone' the nurse smiled "I'll go get your brother now" the nurse left 'why is this happening how am I going to face him now?'

To be continued...

{A/N: i'm sorry I know this is really short but i'm having writers block im really stressed with college as well}

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