Chapter 6:

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Rin's POV:
(Before suicide attempt)

Before I could end my life I thought someone might want to know I was deciding to end it all so I grabbed my notebook and let all of my feelings out on it. It's been months since they discovered I am the son of Satan and they still reject me just like they did before I would cry and ask why was this happening to me but I later on realized nothing would ever change I am a monster who doesn't deserve love. No one will ever understand me or care about me I will always be a mistake, an outcast, a demon. I wish I could turn back time so I could fix this all the old men is dead because of me and I know it is all my fault even Yukio said it. Everything I do is wrong nothing I do can ever atone for the sins I have commited. I am a worthless weapon for the Vatican so I might as well end my life before they do. Soon enough everything will be over I will stop all the pain inside my heart and the ache in my chest will no longer exist.

To: Yukio
From: Rin
If you are reading this it means i'm already dead, I'm sorry for being a burden for you for all the mistakes I commit. I wish I could show you how sorry I am for dad's death
I know and I know I can't do anything to bring him back to life. I'm sure you will be happy without me yoyr life will be so much better without a burden such as me. I hope you can forgive me Yukio I know you hate me I really do and maybe you won't even read this but I hope if you do read this you can understand my reasons. Be happy Yukio now that i'll be gone you will finally be able to enjoy your life without your miserable brother, I will always love me even if you hate me,
Goodbye brother...

To: Cram School
From: Rin
I know you all hate my existence and I sure can understand your reasons why I am a disgusting demon who should have never been born. You won't have to see my face anymore tho I'll be gone now. I'm sorry for even thinking a demon like me deserved friends I only deserve hatred and death. It was good meeting you all tho I know I was a nuisance for all of you this are my last words,

{A/N: i'm sorry I know this chapter is crap but soon it will get better comment and vote please...}

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