Chapter 13: "home"

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A bit my lip from anticipation when we were meters, no inches away from the pack entrance. A sense of nostalgia hit me like a ton of bricks. When we drove to my familiar route.

Not much has change. Heck, nothing has changed at all. It seems the same exactly as I left. The trees steadily aligned, with bushes, berries beside it. It all lead to the pack house which was guarded with a huge iron gate.

Our territory wasn't as big as the other neighboring packs. But living in the palace made the pack house seem much smaller then from what I remembered.

The car stopped in the middle of the entrance. I gave joe a sad smile, before walking out to where my brother and the alpha stood just outside.

Why was I so down? For God's sake Madison this is what you've wanted the whole time. Freedom.

I masked on a force smile, enveloping Matt into a big hug. He returned it just as much as I do. An awkward silence then ensuring.

Out of the blue, tears started to prickle down my eyes. And sooner enough, they were waterfalls soaking down Matt's blue shirt.

His grip hardened, which made me wish I had just kept it to myself.

Gosh, Madison. I inwardly said. I don't even know what's wrong with me... It's like, all of these emotions swirling around my head. And I just, I don't know...

I walked into the living room, when a familiar scent made me practically on my knees.

Lil's homemade lasagna.

Even with the scent of my life saver, who's never seized to leave a frown on my face. I still felt...empty.

Quickly pushing those thoughts away, I moved over to Lily's extended arms. I could smell her favorite strawberry cologne. I couldn't help but giggle.

Me and Lily had met because of that blissful cologne. We were both ten years old, merely pre-teens. At one faithful day, it had just happen that their was only one last piece of that limited edition. Of course, like any rational ten year old, we resulted to plenty of childish comebacks and a whole lot of orange juice. Long story short, we became best-friends since then.

"I see the queen has returned." I rolled my eyes, playfully nudging her shoulder.

Alpha Ralf walked over to me, handing me a slice of lasagna that was laid over the table. I gladly took it, giving him a small bow. "Well, they know that I'm back?" I asked suddenly.

"Mostly a few pack members then and there. But the king has requested to keep it confined as for the moment." I huffed. Of course, wouldn't want to mess with king jerkwards reputation, now would we.

The rest of the night went as a blur. I was now in Lily's room, re-watching the Notebook.

"No! No, no no! Ugh. Allie, tell him you love him!" I shouted at the television.

"Eh, I don't really mind of she ends up with Lon."Lily inquired.

My head shot up to her instantly, "But she loves Noah!"

"Yeah...but let's be honest. Lon has the whole package. Good looking, wealthy, successful, sweet. Why would she complicate her life just to be with Noah?"

"materialism isn't everything. And besides, you can't buy love." I argued.

"She'll learn to love him. And it isn't like he'll be a bad husband anyway. I mean look at him! He has power, and a name. What more can any girl ask?"

"Not every girl looks for power, Lily."

"Well, lucky you to be mated to a king."

I didn't answer her, as I drifted off to the television in front of me. The playful manner, no longer there.

Lily sighed, "Madison, what I'm trying to say is. Stop complaining about this whole thing, like it's so disastrous. You're mated to the most powerful man on earth, and not to mention how envious every girl is of you. For God's sake, it's a luck game to be mated to him. And that's you. Stop complicating your life, and just let it be." She ranted.

"That's the point Lily. I don't want to be another submissive trophy wife, who stays at home and plops up babies whenever he wants. I want to go through hardships, I want to experience them. I'm only seventeen, for goodness sake. Or did people just suddenly forget that? I want to have ambition. I want to graduate, experience annoying bosses, and travel. And with him, he thinks to backwards. And I-just, Lily, I can't. It's not suppose to be this easy yet..."

She thought back as to what I said, "Why go to hardships, when you can take the easy route?"

I bit my lip, "It's because the easy route is merely a facade. And besides, theres no fun in that." I muttered, leaning back in the Beanbag.

Lily shuffled before edging closer. "On the serious note...what are we gonna do with the whole momma issue?" She whispered, as if she had just committed a sin.

"Truthfully... I don't know." I answered. Christopher was many things, a dictator, a douche, an ass, the christmas grinc- okay, i guess it's pretty safe to say he was, well, Christopher. But one thing he wasn't was irrational. He investigated, when sure he pushed through his judgement. And he was never wrong.

But i could never believe him. Not this time. Not about my mother.

The woman who had raised me, loved me, cherished me, and was broken. 

I just couldn't.

"If you ask me, i think we should tell the alpha. At least, Matt. He's your brother after all."

I disregarded her suggestion, standing up from the blue beanbag. "What use? We both know it's delusional."

"Madison, i still think we should look through it. You know? It's just...something about this isn't right."

I muttered incoherent words, flopping onto my bed. She started talking jambo words, only catching the word "so this thing happened. " until my mind drifted off into sleep.

I'll worry about that tomorrow.

~HIYAAAAA, So where at the time where the plot is unfolding! And some surprises might come up, which i'm really excited to write!  Don't forget to leave you thoughts. 'O'


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