Chapter 6 'The claim'

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The king, or supposedly my mate starting sniffing the air and pushing through the crowd of people. Everyone gave him questioning looks, which he sent back with a glare that could kill. I had to think fast on what to do.

And I did, I did the thing that solved all my problems as a child.

I ran.

It didn't take long, until I was pushed up against a hard chest. Pain rushing through the collar of my neck as I whimpered and fell to the hard marble ground.

I looked up,and there stood my 'mate' with blood dripping though his perfect plump lips.

I admired his lips with what seemed like ages, until my intellectual side started to kick in.

He fuck|ing marked me. HE FUCK|ING MARKED ME.

"What the hell!" I said threw gritted teeth.

His eyes flashed brown to black to brown to black I knew he was quarreling with his wolf on what to respond.

"Don't disrespect me girl, you may be my mate but I will not tolerate you disrespecting me." He said with a pissed expression.

Oh. You think your pissed? What about the girl you fuck|ing marked out of the blue. I mean, a memo would be nice or at least a sign or, something for moon goddesses sake!

My wolf whimpered at the sight of our mate who was throwing a fist fight with one of his personal slaves. He took a quick glance at me,for a second their his expression softened but it was quickly changed back to its cold,ruthless expression.

"Jackson, get the car. We're leaving this dump" he said to a tanned skinned brunette, with chocolate brown eyes with a slim and tall figure.

"Yes, alpha" and said, before quickly scurried off. I honestly wouldn't blame him. In fact, if I were him I would've ran away before I even took sight of him.

I didn't know on what to be more pissed at, that he called my pack a dump or if he's treating me like a damn object.

I was about to crawl away, until he threw me over his shoulder.

"Put me down asshole!" I said throwing punches at his masculine back. His grip tightened around me.

"What did I say about you disrespecting me?" He said clenching and unclenching his muscles.

"What? I didn't know your name. And asshole just slipped,you know" I said with the most innocent voice I can master.

"Alpha. You will call me alpha from now on." He said with a voice full of authority.

"We'll, put me down you fuck|ing Alpha asshole!" I wasn't one to swear, but from all the bottled rage inside of me it was exceptional.

I thought he was going to scold me on how I was disrespecting him. But he didn't, instead I fell to the hard marble flooring with a big 'thud' I whimpered as I felt agonizing pain just beneath my right kidney.

"Learn your place, girl." He emphasized.

I clenched my hands to my kidney as i straighten up my posture. He pushed me,he's own mate and that was unexceptional. I wanted to curl up and cry but no, i wasn't going to show weakness to him.

"If you want respect,you have to earn it. Alpha" i said dusting myself off. He looked pained and guilty, good for him. he was about to drag my elbow until Matt walked in.

"What the hell is going on here?" he looked around, until his eyes landed on me clenching my kidney.

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO HER?" he pointed his index finger at my 'mate'.

and that caught alot of peoples attention, people surrounded us taking cautious moves.

I ran to my brother to give him a bear hug, as tears prickled down my cheeks.

My 'mate' growled as he pushed me apart from Matt.

"She's my mate,dog.and we will be leaving now" He said with a voice full of authority and power.

"NO!" I protested. he's head snapped back at me.

"You have no say in this." He said as he dragged my elbow to a black SUV.


Matt tried pushing through the guards surrounding us, though even with his beta perks he wasn't a match for them.

"Let her go you f¿cktard!" he shouted as Jasper pulled him back.

I gave him a sad reassuring smile, as we pulled out of the driveway. I watched as the pack house view narrowed. I couldn't hold the tears as they begin to fall down my cheek. My sadness quickly faded into fury.

Who the hell was he to take me away from my home?!

Hey guys! how was the chapter? ;o it was pretty dramatic i suppose^ And i had alot of fun writing this chapter.


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