Chapter 2: 'blondes'

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Recap: I was on my way to the lunch line, to buy myself another hamburger. Until an intoxicating scent hit me.

When I mean 'intoxicating' I literally mean intoxicating. It smelled like rotten cheese mixed with a gazillion perfumes. I tried swatting the scent, but the scent only grew stronger. The lunch line came into view,thank God. As I was about to make my way to the end of the line I was roughly pushed up against a wall. I freaked out. I was about to scream, when a hand was placed over my mouth covering my mouth.

"Listen here bitch. I'll only say this once. Stay-away-from-Alex." She snarled. I glanced up and saw a girl about my age, she had beach blonde hair, tied in a high ponytail. She was wearing the school's cheer leading uniform paired with black stilettos. Wait. How is she walking casually with stilettos. Damn she has the magic feet. Wait what? Maddy what the hell are you talking about.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when she released her grip, and walked away casually. As if this confrontation had never took place.

I stood there frozen in spot. Who the hell was Alex? And who was she anyway?

My trance snapped, when a rumbling sound erupted from my stomach.

I sigh. Walking over to the lunch line, to finish what I started.


The last bell rang, meaning it was dismissal. I silently thanked the god's and skipped my way to door. Until I was abruptly stopped.

"Where do you think your going?" Ms.Jenkins asked me, with all seriousness.

"With all do respect ma'am, I'm going home." I replied holding onto the door knob.

She laughed humorously "No, you aren't."

Not creepy at all...nope.

"Um, yes I am." I replied twisting the doorknob. It won't budge. Oh,God.

She smiled mischievously, and walked over to me with a small knife held in her hand.

Okay. Now I was in pure panic mode. I screamed and tried twisting the door knob. I kicked the door and attempted to break the windows. What is this? Made of steel. I looked around to find something to defend myself, but the room was empty leaving me and Ms. Jenkins alone. Where the hell was everyone? And how did the furniture just disappear like poof.

This is it. This is the end. I was gonna die like this. Why Ms.Jenkins? I know you hated my guts, but why come to this? I silently rocked myself near the door still having hope that Harry Potter would burst open that door and save me.

I know it's unlikely to happen, but hey. I girl can dream. Oh my god Madison! Your gonna die any second now and you're thinking of Harry Potter?

She was close. One more step and I'm a goner. I love you Matt, I love you uncle Ralf. I'll always hate your guts Jasper. And lastly, I promise I'll pray for you Cruella. You'll need a lot of help. I mentally snickered at my own joke.

This is it. I closed my eyes and awaited for what will come.

But it never came.

Instead I felt something cold being thrown at my face.

I quickly opened my eyes and jumped up my seat as a reflex, and averted my eyes to Lily looking at me with a worried expression.

I looked around the class, finding everyone staring at me with amusement. Some chuckling and others shamelessly handing up they're phones and taking pictures. I looked up and saw Ms.Jenkins with a narrowed expression. With a last narrow look, directly looking at me. She huffed and slammed the door on her way out.

I looked down, and saw my clothes dripping wet, making my shirt basically see through. I quickly covered myself, folding my arms at my chest. God! This is so embarrassing. I tried to hide the blush that crept to my face as I dragged lily to the lost and found shack.

I quickened my pace as we made a left turn at the end of the hallway. Finally, a small room with a 'Lost and found' sign written on top came into view. with a creak sound the door slightly opened. I walked over to a counter where a tall middle aged woman, with raven black hair tied neatly in a bun who was silently reading the newspaper and taking sips of her coffee. I cleared my throat to gain her attention, which she just ignored and continued slurping her coffee. How lovely. I cleared my throat once more, earning a single glance and returning to her newspaper.

"Excuse me?.."


"Ugh..Do you know where the lost and found items are?"..


"Because..the..ugh.. sign..says ugh lost and found. and ugh-I-was wondering if I could borrow some-ugh-clothes?" I said awkwardly.

'Sluuuuuuuuuuuuuuurp' What is her problem? I was getting impatient. and I'm ususally the laid back and collective person.

"Look, I can solve both of our problems if you would just tell me where the lost and found clothes are." I replied a little to harshly. but hey, this woman was getting on my nerves.

she continued slurping, and chocked on her own drink. Good for her.

She got off her stool, and walked to a door behind the counter. Finally. I knocked some sense into her, I'm quite proud if I must say. I mentally did my happy dance, and paraded around my head.

My cheers and killer dance moves were interrupted when she came back with another cup of coffee in her hand.

Way to kill the buzz. This woman was on my last straw. I marched up to her, grabbing the mug in the process and threw the mug roughly at the wooden floor, making a cracking sound.

"HEY!" she exclaimed. Oh. So she talks.

"I just want to know where the lost and found clothes are. So we can never see each other again, and go on with our lives." I crossed my arms. Staring right at her lifeless brown eyes.

She let out a frustrated groan and stomped her way to the back door once again. Lily chuckled at how immature she was being. She looked like a 5 year old not getting what she wanted for Christmas.

She still hasn't returned. I took this opportunity to examine the room, since I won't be coming back here anytime soon. The walls were a cream color with smudges of dust and dirt, the floors were wooden, that looked like they'd crack any minute. The ceilings were filled with spider webs and different kind of insects possibly not known to men. The lights were dim, and some flickered. All in all, the room had this horror vibe to it, that literally gives me the creeps.

After, what seemed like ages. She finally returned carrying a small carton box with a few spider webs and dust.

"Here." she said coldy, putting the box on front of the counter.

"Ugh, thanks." I replied awkwardly.

I opened the box and my eyes widened at what was inside, I screamed. Lily checked what the commotion was about and joined in the screaming.

How was chapter 2? >_< Please do give me feedback! and rate me. it would mean alot <3 ~Vicky.

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