Today Could Be My Last.

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I sat in the front seat next to Frank who was driving, I just stared out of the window observing the desert. Today could be my last. I kept having thought's of Gerard... He couldn't die. I'd jump infront of a bullet for him literally. I Felt a tear slip down and touch my lip.

"You okay Sophie?" Hannah asked me worrying. I sniffed and wiped away my tear looking back at her and the guys.

"I'm fine" I lied and smiled. "Hannah, you stick with me okay? I'm not letting you get hurt" I saw her smile and sigh.

"I'm good enough to look after myself Sophie" She said.

"I Know" I turned back to face forwards, Frank nudged me smiling. He looked at me whilst driving which made us all uneasy.

"Don't cry Sophie, you'll make me cry and we can't have that" We all laughed, I stared out of the window, I would protect my friends... No matter what I have to do. We WILL win this war and all come home safe. I kept telling myself that but I never believed it sadly.

"Gerard's gonna be pissed" I whispered to Frank who smirked. He shrugged and concentrated back on driving.

"Nothing he can do now though" He replied.

Some hours later and we arrived at the front of Battery City. Everyone gasped as we saw bodies lying on the floor...All dead. They were random drac's walking around as if they didn't know where they were, mostly everything was set on fire and all the buildings were broken and they all looked unstable. The floor was filled with litter and Frank drove slowly observing everything.

"Why aren't the Dracs attacking?" I heard Ben ask, he had a point. We looked around and they had no weapons... They just walked like zombies.

"I'm not sure... Maybe they're confused. Maybe the Brainwashing machine thing went wrong?" Frank replied trying to figure out why they was himself.

A Few minutes later we arrived at the headquarters of the Better Living Company. We all just stared for a moment and then we got out and grabbed our bags.

"Keep your gun's ready at all time" Frank ordered aiming his gun forwards looking to his sides. "Stick together" He said as we slowly made our way to the entrance. I saw the other's and Gerard, he didn't see me because I was hiding behind Hannah and Ben. We walked over and I still hid.

"What's the plan Gerard?" Mikey asked

"We go in and shoot" He said grabbing his gun and aiming at the door, Everyone copied and followed him as he walked to the door. He paused at the door with his hand near the handle.

"Open it!" I heard Joey shout eagerly.

"You do realise we probably won't come out of this alive. Once we go in no way out" He said and looked at everyone, they just nodded and aimed there guns. "Let's do this then!" He said and opened the door, we all ran in taking cover as bullets flew at us from all angles.

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