Who are you?

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After the other's calmed me down I soon fell asleep. About two hours later I awoke and everyone was in the kitchen whispering. I stood up and outside the kitchen door.

"He doesn't remember us" I heard Frank spit out

"I don't think he remember's anything" Shanelle said, her voice was shaky and I could tell that she had been crying.

"We can't just keep him in the spare room upset, he need's to go to a hospital!" Hannah cried out, the spare room?

"I'd love to see you find a hospital around here" Sarah laughed but soon dropped it. I slowly crept by the kitchen and walked upstairs. I looked along the corridor and walked up to the spare room, I took a deep breath and entered. For a moment I just stared at him, he looked a mess. There was blood around his stomach and he could barely keep his eyes open. I walked up to him slowly and put my hand on his but he pulled it away.

"Gerard?" I said

"Who are you?" His voice was croaky and I felt a lump in my throat, surely he would remember? He said never forget he loves me.

"It's Sophie... Toxic tears?" I told him but he just looked even more confused, I tried to hold his hand again but he pulled away quickly and tried to get out of bed.

"Get away from me"

"Gerard please remember!" I cried out standing up

"GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME" He screamed and I soon heard footsteps run upstairs, I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. I held back the tears and stared at Gerard, I couldn't lose the one I loved, I couldn't live without him!

"I love you Gerard, and you loved me just please remember" I shouted at him and felt arms grab my waist gently.

"Sophie come on let's get you out of here, you're hurt" Mikey said trying to pull me out the room, Gerard looked terrified and I let the tears fall down my face.

"He told me never to forget he loves me" I whispered to Mikey who slowly let go, "I can't lose him Mikey I just can't." I said running back to Gerard's side. He didn't try to get away anymore, he just raised an eyebrow at me.

"I saved your life... Why?" He asked

"Because you love me Gerard... You've forgotten everything but please just concentrate and try to remember" I begged

"I saved your life, I let you stay here but I don't feel anything for you. I don't love you Sophie" He said almost looking sorry for me.

"You told me you loved me" I saw Mikey slowly walk next to me putting a hand on my shoulder, Did he make it all up? Did he ever love me?

"Come on Sophie, that's enough for one day" Mikey whispered and I slowly stood up with Mikey helping me. I held my stomach and slowly walked downstairs, everyone stared at me. They all looked sorry for me. I held my stomach tighter as a pain grew stronger in it.

"Sophie what's wrong?" Mikey asked as I fell, I just didn't have any energy left in me. I saw Tessa and Sarah run over to me and Hannah shortly followed.

"SOPHIE!" Hannah screamed at me as everything started going blurry, I felt a warm liquid coming out of my stomach.

"She's bleeding heavily" Tessa cried out grabbing some medical equipment. I fount it harder to breath and soon blacked out.

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