I Dont Need You

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Gerard walked over and saw that I was crying, he wiped the tears away with his finger gently smiling at me.

"Why are you crying?" He asked

"m..My Shoulder!" I screamed. He soon realised and he looked horrified

"Let her go quick!" The drac let go and he held me for support. "I forgot about that" He said hugging me gently. I Pushed him away and looked around the room, There was dracs everywhere so it'd be stupid to start shooting.

"Let me leave" I told him but he just walked back up to me.

"If you stayed at the base this wouldn't be happening" He told me cupping my face in his hand's smiling as if nothing's going on.

"And all my friend's would've been killed so I'm happy I came" My friends! I know what they're like, They'll come and get me... I hope.

"You didn't need them, we didn't need them. We just need each other" He leaned in to kiss me but I pushed away with both hands hurting my bad shoulder.

"I Don't need you" I laughed. "I don't want you in my life, not after what i've seen today" I said... I really did love him but he has changed.

"I haven't changed Sophie, I'm still the guy you fell in love with" He leaned in and kissed me, I tried pushing away but he was too fierce so instead I kicked him in the balls. He fell to the floor and a drac held me back.

"You deserved that" I smirked. I quickly kicked the Drac so he let go of me and ran to the exit dodging as many Drac's as I could.

"GRAB HER!" I heard Gerard shout as he stood up and ran for me, I turned back to the door and saw two dracs in front of me, they grabbed both of my arms and dragged me to a pissed of Gerard, I tried to struggle out of there grasp but they just held on tighter.

"Get Off me!" I screamed at them but I soon felt a hand grip my bad shoulder tightly. I screamed in agony and the pain got stronger and stronger until it died down slowly.

"I'm so sorry" He looked ashamed of himself because Of what he just did. I stopped crying and took deep breaths trying to calm myself down. The dracs let go of me and I fell into Gerard's arms. I tried to get him off me but he held tighter hugging me. "I'm sorry,  I didn't mean to hurt you!" He apologised stroking my cheek.

"Get away from me"

"I wont hurt you Sophie" He said trying to calm me down

"I...I don't even know you a...anymore" I whispered holding my shoulder, It hurt so much I couldn't even move so I had to keep it in one place.

"This isn't me and you know that, I just got angry that's all" He lifted me up in his arms and walked to another room, I rested my head against his shoulder trying to hold back the tears. He put me onto the sofa and ran to a cabinet taking out a arm sling, he walked back over and put it on me carefully so I didn't move it as much. He sat next to me and started kissing me.

"Get off me Gerard!" I said pushing him away with my good arm.

"I don't like seeing you in pain" He said nearly in tears.

"Then leave, you're causing me pain... Or better yet let me leave" He frowned and shook his head, he held my good hand firmly.

"That would cause me pain" He whispered, I leaned back on the sofa and closed my eyes, I soon felt his hand move away from mine and an arm go around my neck. "Sleep, maybe the pain will go when you wake up" He whispered softly in my ear as I drifted into a painful sleep.

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