Chapter 1

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(Quick note; Hey readers! Welcome! :) I hope you enjoy this book. It's a very old book of mine(it's two years old now!!), and the writing sucks and I should really edit it, but I'm too lazy. There's tons of author notes and random crap scattered throughout the book. But still! Enjoy! ❤️ -LZPG, 2017)

All of them are humans. It is real life.

Sky's POV

"Hey Guys." I smiled as the skype call started up. I had forced all of Team Crafted- except Dawn and the animators- into one skype call. Yippee.

"What do you want, Adam?" Seto growled, rubbing his eyes sleepily. Oops, I think I woke him up. His purple cloak was draped around his shoulders, hood off and revealing his adorable child-like face. After two years, he finally trusted us enough with his face and age, but not his name. Oh well. We'll get to that.

"Be nice, baby." Oh, did I forget to mention I added Brice? Totally not on purpose... The blonde boy had dark circles under his eyes, but still looked as beautiful as ever. He and Seto swore there was nothing between them, but they did call each other by pet names often. "Someone's a grumpy kitten." His laugh staticked through the call as Seto glared at him.

"Stop flirting, you two." Jerome muttered with a yawn. Oops, it's like one am...

"Aww, leave em alone Biggums. I think it's cute." Mitch scolded softly, smiling at the sleepy brown haired boy.

"Can we all shut up and get back on track?" Seto snapped. Even in the dimness of his room, you could easily see the pink tint of his cheeks.

I mentally cooed at how adorable my friends were. "Alright, so the reason I woke you all up... Can you all come over?"

"WHAT?!" Jason shrieked, making us flinch. "It's literally midnight you dumb f-"

"Jason, I'm startled."

"Fuck. you." Jason spat, crossing his arms. His silvery eyes seemed to glow in the darkness of his room. He was clearly the attractive one of the group.

"Adam, your gay is showing." Ty snickered. Oh, did I say that out loud? Damnit, I always do this. Jason's gaping mouth and soft blush confirmed it.

"To answer your question, yes." I did it again. Shit.

"For your information, I'm bi, so yeah, thanks Ty." I retorted, flipping my hair dramatically. I received lots of eyerolls. "Anyways... We'll be playing Truth or Dare."

"Ooh... We'll be getting some Skylox action. Merome, Setosolace and Skylox forever." Ian wiggled his eyebrows suggestively as everyone groaned at him.

"I'm laughing." Seto muttered, rolling his eyes.

"So who'll be there?" I asked, trying to get them all to focus.

"I will." Brice immediately said, smiling widely.

"If Brice is going, I'll go I suppose." Seto sighed. Aww's came from almost everyone, which ended in laughs as Seto face palmed. "Can we not?"
Brice's cheeks were a bright red.

"Up for it, Biggums?" Mitch smirked.

"Yeah, we'll be there." Jerome confirmed, ignoring the crows of 'MEROMEEEE'.

"I'll come." Ty mumbled softly.

"We'll come too." Jason and Ian grinned.

"Can't make it, sorry Adam." Kermit sighed. "Got stuff to do."

"I'll be out of town." Quentin pouted.

"Well, that's alright fish and frog. Maybe you can come next time." I smiled at them before ending the call.

Well, tomorrow night should be lots of fun.

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