Chapter 11

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Adams POV

"So, uh.. Who are they again?" Jason stared wide eyed at Lachlan, making the Aussie shift uncomfortably.

"Lachlan and Preston. They're our friends." Jerome explained once more. Mitch was still fast asleep, sprawled out across the other couch nobody was using.

"Guys! Since they're here, can we play another round?! Pleaseee?!" I begged, opening my eyes wide and sticking out my bottom lip in a pout.

"Err.. Fine.." The others grumbled, causing Preston to perk up immediately.

"Oh yay! Um, Adam right? Adam! Can I invite some friends too? Pleaseee! There's only.. Uh.. 4 others! Pretty please?" The bubbly boy was adorable. He was actually older, which was the funny part. Him and Lachlan both said they were 19.

"Sure Preston. We don't mind, right boys?" I smiled at the others, who simply stared blankly at me.

"I don't mind. It might be fun to meet new people.. But.." Seto's voice trailed off. The 14 year old suddenly seemed nervous, biting his bottom lip. He was glancing around for something.

"Oh. Your cloak. Seto, you'll be fine. It's not like these are fans. They are Lachlan and Preston's friends, who are Jerome and Mitch's buddies! You can trust them. Whoever they are." He nodded, but still looked uncertain.

"I'll ring them right now." Lachlan pulled out his phone, leaving the room to call his friends.

SubZero's POV

"Sub? Your phone is ringing." I squeaked in surprise at the sound of my ringtone and roommate. Quickly pulling out my iPhone 6, I answered the call.

"H-hello?" Ugh. Why did I always stutter when starting conversations? Usually I was fine, but over the phone it just.. Happened. I clicked speaker as my friend came over, curious.

"Hey Sub! It's Lachlan. I was wondering if you and Ethan would like to come over and play some games with us. Oh! You know Adam, don't you? I think you've mentioned.."

"Yes, we know him." Ethan spoke up. He had a strong French accent, which was quite funny sounding when mixed with American. The white haired boy looked at me, raising an eyebrow as he caught me staring. I gave him a smile, to which he simply glanced away.

"That's good. We're over at his house. You two wanna-"

"Who are we?" Again, Ethan. He was suspicious, I could hear and see it in his voice and expression. He was a bit protective, but that's just because we're such good friends. And I'm younger. And apparently being 5'4 while he's 5'11 makes him stronger somehow.

"Jerome, Mitch, Preston, Adam.. And some of their friends. A 14 year old named Seto, a grouchy one named Jason, a serious one called Ian, err.. Some blonde they called Bri, and Ty, you should know Ty. Now, will you come?"

"We'll think ab-"

"Yes! Of course!" I cut Ethan off, ignoring how he glared at me. "We'll be there.. Uh, 4:30 work?"

"Yeah. See you soon Sub! Bye-"

Ethan clicked the end call button before Lachlan could finish, his expression stony and cold.

"What?" I laughed, able to meet his gaze without flinching. His usually icy clear blue eyes were dark and stormy, gritting his teeth. He was struggling to stay calm, I could tell. "Aw, don't get all angry!" I teased, poking him on the nose. He scrunched his face up, the tension melting.

"You're annoying, you know that?" I squealed as he grabbed me in a head lock, ruffling up my hair.


"Now go make me a sandwich."

"Make your own sandwich, bitch." I stood up, sashaying out of the room. Right before I left, I flipped him off, smirking as I heard him start laughing.

B/c I love Sub and Ethan
RIP Sk3tch xD

Who are the other two?
Sorry it's so short!

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