Chapter 9

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"Hey.. I mean.. Ty.. We really don't have to, okay? I didn't think of how you'd feel.. I'm sorry.." I whispered, trying to catch his eye. He simply shook his head.

"On the count of three.." Brice droned in a dead panned voice, causing the others to laugh.

Third Person

Adam let out a muffled squeal as Ty pressed his lips to the other boys, surprising him. They weren't kissing. It wasn't like that. It was simply lip touching, but both boys were still blushing like crazy. Ty's eyes were squeezed tightly shut, his hands folded neatly in his lap. Adam on the other hand was wide-eyed and staring at the other boy, shocked.

Ian and Jason seemed oddly comfortable. The five foot music producer (it's an inside joke that has traveled from every one of my Fics xD old fans will know where it originated from.) was sitting in Ian's lap, his hands on the boy's cheeks. Ian's hands were on his hips, the man's hands almost able to span Jason's waist. It wasn't really a makeout scene like most would think. They were moving their lips lazily against one others, eyes closed in ecstasy. All in all, it was a VERY good show for the Fanboys watching and of course, the Readers.

"Wonder who's going to pull away first." Adam ignored the snicker of one of his friends. He was worried about how tense and nervous Ty was, tears bubbling from under his closed lids. He wondered if he kissed the boy, like Jerome did to Mitch, if he'd calm down..

Only one way to find out.

Ty started to struggle as Adam moved his lips against his, trying to pull away but unable because of Adam's grip on his shoulders. He finally gave up, melting into the kiss. He didn't kiss back.

Over on the other couch, the boys were still counting and mumbling to each other.


" gay.. Only we... Normal boys...parties.."
(God we are so gay. Only we'd watch other boys make out. Normal boys go pick up chicks and have frat parties.)



Most of the words were incoherent, too hushed to be heard.

And guess who won?

Jason finally pulled away from Ian, pecking the man's lips once more before sliding off his lap and onto the plush couch. He stood up, bowing dramatically at the cheers and whistles. "Why.. Are.. You.. Cheering?" He laughed between pants. "I.. Lost!"

After hearing the noise, Ty and Adam broke apart, the younger wiping at his lips frantically. Adam simply shrugged, smirking at the applause. "Why thank you!"

So who hasn't gone yet?

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