Chapter 19

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Seto's lips quirked into his crooked, shy smile. He didn't speak as he read all the comments, his grin growing wider to reveal his teeth. "No.. Call me Harvey. My name is Harvey."

Adam's POV

"But..." He quickly said, his cheeks turning darker red if possible. "Please call me Seto still. I prefer that. Please."

"Hey, Seto? A lot of people are asking this.. Why the name 'Seto'? Like, where did it come from?" I asked

His smile turned sheepish. "Well.. Ah. Seto.. You see. I've told you all my real name.. But, uh, not my real full name.. Harvey is actually a nick-Oh, no! Don't get mad, please!" The look on his face was so terribly heartbreaking, that the chat apologized immediantly, spamming him with love once again. "Alright.. Well, um.. My actual name is so complicated, I myself can barely pronounce it. I'm not Finnish, but my parents are obsessed with their names." Seto wrinkled his nose. "My real name is Aärvusetado. Yeah, I know." He laughed softly at the watcher's, and our, confusion. He turned to look at us, tilting his head to the side. "Harvey is the closest thing in that language. Aarvu to Harvu, to Harvey.. And it's probably clear where Seto Sorcerer came from.."

"Err, how 'bout you explain it for those who don't get it?" Lachlan spoke up, glancing around the room. "I mean, I'm sure there's someone out there.."

I could barely hold back my laugh.

"Oh. Well, 'Setado', the second part of my name.. Remove the 'ad' and you've got Seto. I've always been into magic and stuff, so that's why I chose Sorcerer... So, I mean.. I guess all along you guys did know my name.. Or at least a bit of it." Seto finished explaining with a quiet breath.

"Well.. There you guys go. Mystery solved, hey?" Preston joked, trying to lighten the mood in the room.

"All of our fans are so confused!" Vikk laughed, pointing to his screen where he had my livestream pulled up. He was right. Everyone who had came for Lachlan, Vikk, Preston and Rob were puzzled. They had no idea who Seto, or any of us for that matter, was! Except for me. They probably knew me..

I mean, I'm Skydoesminecraft! Who DOESN'T know me?!

"You're full of yourself." Ethan snorted.

"And yes, you spoke out loud." Jason snickered at my expression. "You should get that checked out, Adam."

"'We get it, you're famous!'" Rob suddenly spoke up, his voice high pitched and silly. We all exploded into fits of laughter, leaving most of our viewers lost. Rob was quoting a fellow YouTuber-but not fellow gamer-named Tyler Oakley.

"Let's just film this video before we get copyrighted." Ty put his headphones back on, making his character punch mine.

"That's not how copyright wor-" Apparently, Ty wasn't even worth Ethan's time. The boy rolled his eyes and turned back to his laptop, but I could see his smile.. Hah! You can't hide anything from me!"

~After Video Ends~

"Make sure you check out everyones channels, which are in the description! Have an awesome and safe day, and see you guys later!" Preston was doing the outro for all of us. Those of us who had our facecams on smiled, nodded, or waved goodbye to the camera before ending the recording. I blew a kiss to my viewers before ending the livestream as well.

"Whew.. Just gotta pass this on to the editors, and we're done for today." I walked around, leaning over and messing around with people's computers.. Which meant selecting the correct file and emailing it to the editors. "There! Holy crap. You guys, we recorded for about two hours..."

"We'll be lucky to get 20 minutes of footage out of that." Ian was only half joking. He grabbed Jason by the wrist, ignoring the surprised yelp, pulling him out of the conference room.

"I need a nap.. And I think two certain someones do too." Lachlan announced, sharing a fond look with Preston. Rob and Vikk were sprawled out on the couch, both fast asleep. They had dozed off around the one hour mark, and had been carried to the sofa; Vikk by Lachlan, and Rob by Preston. The two boys were somewhat cuddling, quite an adorable sight. The Bromance was real.  IT. WAS. REALLLLL!

God. I hope I'm not talking out loud..

Phew. No suspicious looks. I'm not.

Beside me, Ty yawned. Sub was also looking drowsy.

Huh.. I think we all needed a nap.

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