Chapter 10

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Underage drinking
After a few more rounds which involved a certain member streaking down the road bare naked, another playing totally not beer pong and finally a beautiful play of.. Err, Sleep with, Marry and kill, the boys were finished.

All but one were knocked out from either exhaustion or alcohol, fast asleep. Soft snores filled the calm air.

The youngest was still awake, watching his friends with an unhappy frown. In his lap was the head of a blonde, his fingers tangled in the hair. This game was meant to be fun, but it only confused him. Made him feel like he shouldn't. He shouldn't have feelings for his ex or best friends. It wasn't right.
Then again, he thought the same thing when he liked both boys and girls.

He didn't want to admit it, but when he looked down at the peacefully sleeping boy, he knew.. He had fallen once again. A small smile quirked his lips, taking his crush's giant hand between his two tiny ones. He hoped he didn't wake up. "Brice.." He whispered softly. "I just wish.."

A knock on the door interrupted him. Sighing, he placed Brice's head on the couch gently and stood, going to open it. He was met by the cloth of a red shirt. The short boy slowly tilted his head back, looking up at the blonde giant before him.

"Uh.. Who are you?" The newcomer asked, his voice thick with sleep. He had a strong Australian accent and a thin yet muscular build.

"Err.. Seto.. What are you doing here?"

"I'm Mitch and Jerome's friend. They told us to come pick them up. It's like, 5 am. Your American times are weird." The boy shook his head. "I'm Lachlan, by the way. Where's-"

"Oh, Seto right?" A too bubbly for this time boy bounced into sight, grinning from ear to ear. "I've heard so much about you! I'm Preston! Yes, THE Preston!" The 19 year old reached out to shake Seto's hand, frowning when the teen flinched away.

"Preston, he's barely more than a kid. Leave him be." Lachlan gave him an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry about him. He's a bit.. Yeah."

"So.. Uh.. Want to come in I guess? Everyone's still asleep.. But yeah.."

"Sure, why not?"


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