Chapter 22

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Sky's POV

So.. For some odd reason, we decided to do love confessions..

Which meant playing 'Truth or Truth' and asking over and over "Do You Like ___?" Until we found out.

Usually it would be revealed by a blush and a shake of the head.. But then we realized some people, like Preston, blushed when accused of liking anyone. This made it harder...

Until Vikk blurted out.

"Oh, for heavens sake! He likes Rob! They fu-"

A pillow was slammed over his face by Rob. "Excuse me? Want to finish that sentence?" His voice was so scarily low and dark. It made everyone tense with fright.

Preston, being true to his good nature, just laughed. "Okay. I have an idea. Let's play twenty questions, Vikk!.. Who was the first man you kisse-Oh wait, we already know. It was Lachlan." He was smirking.

Lachlan's face was a deep red. "That's not true!" He cried in defense. Vikk had grown rigid.

"Ooh! Get some!" Jerome cackled, slapping Lachlan on the back, who glared at him.

"Hey, hey. Let's be nice here." I took the role as the mature father. After all, I am Daddy-AF. The fans said so!

"Umm? No? I'm clearly the most Daddy AF!" Preston pretended to be offended. Damnit, I did it again! I should really see a doctor about that.

"All of you are Daddy AF. Shut up now." Seto rolled his eyes. He didn't even blink as everyone started screaming, crossing his arms over his chest with a blank expression.

"He called me Daddy! Ohmygosh! If Seto says it, it's true!" Jason was pretending to fangirl, making Seto snort in laughter.

"Oookay. Moving swiftly along.." Ethan drummed his fingers on his thigh.

"Twenty bucks Mitch and Jerome have made out before!"

"No duh, they have! How about this? Twenty bucks Ian and Jason are dating!"

"Hold on a second! Twenty five cents that Adam and Ty.."

"That we..?" Ty spoke up, looking at me with a furrowed brow, as if asking What have you told them? I just shrugged with a weak smile.

"Don't ask me! I haven't said anything!" I was a terrible liar..

"But Adam. Didn't you tell me just last week how hot you thought he w-"

"That's quite enough, Jason!" I slung a pillow at him, hitting him directly in the face.

"Alright. Well. I'm just going to go talk to that Ross kid Mitch was chatting with. Peace." Ethan stood up and walked out of the room. Sub looked at us with wide eyes before scurrying after him.

They were an odd pair. A cute, but odd pair.. I wouldn't be surprised if they were together.

"Twenty bucks they get lost, and get attacked by Max." Jerome muttered, making everyone except Max's previous victims laugh.

"Dude. He's fucking scary." Preston commented with wide eyes. "I don't know what took over me when I spoke to him. Like, holy shit, Adam, I think you hired a murderer."

"He's a big ol' teddy bear, what do you guys mean?" I scoffed. Like. Honestly. Max wouldn't hurt a fly. He was a big doofus.

"More like a big ol' grizzly bear. He snarled at me, dude! Snarled!"

"Okay. He's scary. Happy?" An eyeroll from me makes Preston grin. Strange, strange kid.. Who's older than me..


"You guys are weird." Ian sighed, leaning back against the couch. "Wanna watch T.V?"

A chorus of "Yeah, sure!"s filled the air. With a popular vote of 3, we decided on watching YouTube videos.. Aka, watching the older ones of the people present and laughing our asses off at how their pre-puberty voices sounded and at how cringey they were.

I couldn't believe this was going to be over soon.. I couldn't believe I was, once again, going to be alone.

(Trying to find a way to wrap up this story. Failing. cx
this is my most successful story. o-e I honestly don't know what I'll do without it. Maybe you'll all go to Falling, Just Bromance or Savior? xD)

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