Chapter 12

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Rob's POV
"Rob! Wake up, you dork!" I groaned, rolling over to look at my alarm clock.

"It's only.. 2, Vikk. Fuck off." A totally manly shriek came from me as a heavy weight launched itself onto the bed, sitting on top of me. "Get off, you fatty! Agh! I can't breathe!" I squirmed under him, squealing in a manly way as he started to poke my neck... Can a man not be ticklish?

"Your boyfriend called." He finally got off, sitting on the side of the bed with a devious smirk. "He wants to know if you and I want to go play some truth and dare with some friends."

Assuming he meant Preston, I glared, sticking my tongue out childishly. "He's not my boyfriend, idiot. Did they say Lachlannnn was going to be there?" I fluttered my eyelashes at him, making a kissy face. "Ooh! Someone's blushingggg!"

"Damn you.." Vikk mumbled, sliding off of the bed and walking towards the door. "Get ready, you loser. We're leaving in 30."

"30 minutes?! That's not enough time to do my hair! You bitch!" I shrieked, leaping out of the bed... That's the fastest I've ever moved in my entire life. I pouted, hearing him laugh at my remorse as he left. "Ughhhh... And Preston's gonna be there? I gotta look good for my bro!"

Ethan's POV

"Are you quite done yet?" I grumbled, standing outside the bathroom door. I crossed my arms, tapping my foot impatiently. "Dude, you need to hurry it up. We've got to go soon, really. It's 2:15 and we've got to leave by 2:50 if we want to make it on time." We lived about an hour and a half away from the address they gave us. "Do you think Sketch will want to come?"

"Um.. I-I dunno.. A-ask him?" Sub's already quiet enough voice was muffled by the door, making it almost impossible to hear. I sighed, not really wanting the other boy to tag along, but asking only for Sub. Sketch was.. Odd. He didn't match either of our personalities. He was just weird in general. Nerdy and hyper, to the point of annoying. I really disliked him, but guess what? He was our fucking roommate, so I had to deal with him daily. Luckily he was out getting Starbucks.

"Fine, I will. And hurry your ass up." I stalked away, fighting the urge to smile at Sub's giggles.

Ew it's so bad too
I don't want to upload this shit
I want this book to end already xD

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