Chapter 20

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Ethan's POV (Ooh new POV!)

I don't even know why we're here.

Honestly, I didn't want to come, and all this has caused is trouble.

I don't understand.. I don't understand this. How can all of these guys act gay with each other and be perfectly okay with it?.. Like, that Brice kid and Seto, or Harvey, or Åarvu or whatever his name is.. They act so coupley, yet it's obvious they aren't together.. And Ian and the short kid who makes music? There's so much tension between them.

What exactly have me and Sub joined in on?

I'm Catholic Christian. Sub is too.. But the funny thing is.. We aren't homophobic. At least, I'm not. I'm not sure about Sub.. I thought I knew everything about him, but he proves me wrong every day.

See.. My view on homosexuality is this; You're gay? Cool. I couldn't care less. You're straight? Cool. I couldn't care less.

As Sub says, I just hate everyone, regardless of who you are.
Except Sub.
I don't hate Sub.

Who could hate Sub? He's so sweet and so fragile. His mother actually requested for me to watch after him. That's why we're roommates..

But moving back onto subject.

I'm not gay.

I'm not.. 'The norm'.

I don't do labels. I love who I love..
But I don't love anyone. So, I guess, I'm nothing.

The only person I feel even a sliver of affection towards is Sub, and that's just because I've known him for so long. He's practically my brother.


"Hey, Ethan?" I freeze at the sleepy sounding voice. Sub is sitting up, rubbing at his eyes with the back of his hand, staring at me. His hair is ruffled and messed up from the couch pillow. Everyone else is still fast asleep on the couch-bed-thingie. We ended up moving to the office living room.

"Yes, Sub?" I walk over to the bed thingie, sitting down next to the boy

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"Yes, Sub?" I walk over to the bed thingie, sitting down next to the boy. I tense as he lays back down, putting his head in my lap.

"Thank you for bringing me.. And thank you for coming. I know you don't like these kinds of things, but.." He murmurs drowsily, his eyes slipping shut. "Just.. Thank you."

"..Uh, you're welcome, I guess. It's no problem." I mumble. I hesitate for a moment before putting my hand on top of his head. When he lets out a contented sigh, I start to run my fingers through his hair, leaning back against the cushion. Sooner or later, my own eyes shut.. And I fell into a dreamless sleep.

Dawn's POV

"Alesa." I whisper, motioning for my fiancée to come closer. She peers over my shoulder into the room, her hands flying to her mouth. "Look at them."

"Oh my goodness.. Look at Adam and Ty. I knew it. I knew they'd..but Jason and Ian?"

"Who's cuddling with Brice?" There was a brunette boy in the arms of the Australian. I'd never seen him before.. And who were the other blonde boy, who looked a bit older than everyone, another brunette who looked Italian, a tanned black haired boy and yet another brunette with a flower crown on his head? All were asleep. "Who are these people?"

"I recognize a few of them.. Look. There's Ethan-" Alesa pointed to the boy who Adam used to collab with. "And there's Sub, I think, beside him. SubZeroExtabyte. Err.. Jason, Ian, Adam, Ty, Sub, Ethan, Mitch, Jerome, Brice... Anyone else you know, Dawn?"

"..That might, might, be Seto with Brice.. But oh my.. He looks so young. He can't be any older than 15.. Does that mean he started filming with Adam at.." We shared a glance. "Twelve?! Adam was 16.."

"That's absurd. He's barely a teenager. Hell, he's a baby!" Alesa, who was 20 and had a baby of her own-our baby-looked worried. "Why is he here? Look at that other blonde boy. He looks about twenty. A fourteen year old and and a twenty year old in the same room? Sleeping?"

"Alesa. Maybe that kid is actually, like, sixteen. Maybe he just looks young. I don't think Brice would date a fourteen year old." Wasn't Brice, like, 16?.. I myself am 19. I mean.. 2 years isn't that bad.. I bit my lip. "I'm sure they know what they're doing.. And I don't think the older boys are interested in Seto, if that is Seto. Adam will keep him safe. Brice will too. He's fine."

"If you say so.." She gave me another worried look and I shrugged. I took her hand, pulling her out of the room.

"Stop worrying." I laugh softly, taking her face in my hands.

"Stop not worrying." She shot back, leaning forward and pressing her lips against mine.

"You're a worry wort."

"You're a terrible mother."

"Woah! Too far!" I cry dramatically, breaking the kiss. "No more kisses for you!"

"I'm sorryyyy!" The adult woman with a child is pouting.

"Shut up and make me a sandwich, woman!" I tease.

"Make it yourself, bitch." She stuck her tongue out at me before stomping away, flipping her hair, leaving me laughing and gasping for breath.

(Dawnlesa moments for the shippers out there. >3< )

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