Chapter 6

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So it turns out Setosolace didn't pass out. Damnit, that would of been so hot...

Finally Seto pulled away from Brice, planting his hands on the older boy's chest and shoving him away. He ignored the catcalls and wolf whistles as he stomped over to the other couch, head held high with dignity. Both of their lips were swollen and dark red, breaths coming in soft pants.

Brice shook his head once, muttering something before glaring at Jason. Mischief flashed in his eyes and his dark red lips slowly formed into a smirk. "Hey, Ty! Truth or dare?"

"T-truth.." The boy stuttered out and I mentally cooed. What?! Can't I find my very attractive friends adorable?! Damn!

"Okay... Hmm.. Describe the person you like." Panic flashed in the boy's eyes and he started to shake.

"..why?" He whimpered, eyes darting around the room. I caught his gaze as it grazed across me, holding it for a second longer before he looked away.

"Dunno." Brice shrugged, popping his lips.

"Uh.. Okay.... They are tall.. Uh.... They are a brunette.. Short brown hair I guess.. Rather pale now that I think of it, hah.. Uh.. They are really sweet. Even though they can be extremely annoying, they mean no harm.. Um... He's one of those people you can sit down with and just listen to him talk all day and not get bored.."

"He?" Ian tilted his head at the blushing boy.

"I meant she."

"Sureee." Merome snickered.

"Well.. That's lovely Ty.." I mumbled. I'm 99.99999999% sure he means me.. No! He can't! I'm not annoying!!... Am I? Noooo, pfft. Of course not. "Anyways, ask someone a truth or dare."

"Mitch.. Truth or dare?" He finally sighed.

"Dare of course! I ain't afraid!" He and Jerome started yodeling, which was quite terrifying.

That's when I pounced. Not literally.. I leaned over and grabbed Ty by the shoulder, softly as not to hurt him, and pulled him back so I could whisper in his ear. The other boys started chanting 'SKYLOX!'.. Besides, you know, the youngest and somehow most mature. He seemed to shudder as my breath touched his ear. "Dare him to either make out with Jerome in private or post a video of him and Jerome kissing on YouTube."

"That's so mean." Ty giggled, pushing me away.

"Do it." I mouthed before sitting back up.

"I dare you to....... Make out with Jerome in private OR post a video of you two kissing!"


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