7. Sticking Together

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The next day at seven o'clock exactly, Natalia walked into the same bar from a few months ago and smiled when she saw James sat on the same table, waiting for her.

She walked over and sat opposite him.

"Hey", she said softly.

"Hey", he smiled.

They gazed at each other for a few moments before James moved to go and get them drinks.

Once he returned they began to talk and joke around just as they always did.

After around half an hour it seemed okay to begin asking each other more important questions.

"So, you go first", James said.

Natalia looked at him.
"This is the part where I tell you my life story?" She teased him.

James laughed.
"I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours?"

Natalia smiled.
"Alright", she agreed before starting.

"So, I was born here in Russia and lived with my parents until I was five", she paused.

"You moved out extremely early", James joked.

Natalia chuckled before replying.
"Not quite...Red Room."

She paused to look at James to see if he recognised the name.

James was looked shocked.
"They got you?" He asked.

Natalia nodded.
"Yea, that's were I learned everything I know. From assassination to seduction", she confirmed.

"That's terrible, I mean, how did you survive?"

Natalia shrugged.
"I don't know, sure it was terrible, horrific even, but there was no choice."

James nodded understandingly.
"How'd you get out?"

Natalia smirked.
"I ran away, two years ago on my twenty first birthday", she explained rather proudly.

James grinned.
"Wow, you ran away...are they still looking for you?"

Natalia grimaced.
"Yea, every now and then I'll notice someone following me, tracking me but I'm careful", she said.

James nodded.

Natalia grinned as she took a sip of her drink.
"Now, your turn", she prodded.

James smiled.
"Okay, mine is kinda short though", he explained.

Natalia looked at him confused.

"I woke up in a hydra facility two years ago when I was twenty seven. I don't remember a thing before that. I was used to complete missions but just over a year ago, I walked away. They couldn't stop me", he smirked.

"Hydra?" Natalia questioned.

"Yea, kind of a secret organisation, like Red Room", he told her.

"And you don't remember a thing before you woke up there?" She questioned in disbelief.

"Not a thing", James confirmed.

"Wow", Natalia breathed.

"Confusing, right?" James asked.

Natalia laughed slightly before agreeing.

The two both began talking about lighter subjects then, asking each other normal things like "what is your favourite food?" It was nice for them both just to be together.

They had clearly became very close over the last few months as they were the only thing either of them had. The bond between the two of them was something they had never experienced before, it was special.

As the end of the night approached, James and Natalia walked outside of the bar and continued to chat.

They reached the point where the normally say goodbye and turned to look at each other.

"I had a great time, Natalia", James told her.

Natalia nodded.
"Yea, me too. I'll see you soon?"

James smiled.
"I can guarantee it", he assured her.

James then reached down to kiss Natalia's cheek as he always did but this time Natalia beat him too it.

She quickly raised herself on to her tip toes and placed a kiss on James's cheek.

Her lips lingered for slightly longer than necessary but it was nice, special.

She placed a hand on his shoulder as she slowly pulled away so they were now both standing close to each other.

They looked at each other and smiled.

James chuckled to himself quietly before speaking.

"You've never done that before", he said.

Natalia smiled.
"I know", she replied quietly. James's hand was now resting on her hip.

"What's changed?" James asked.

Natalia shook her head.
"I don't know, I've never done this before", she answered.

They faces were slowly getting closer.

"That's okay, neither have I", James smiled.

They were now so close their noses were touching. They looked at each other, both in a daze, neither of them sure what to do next. Both of them closed their eyes for a few seconds.

"I should go", Natalia whispered.

James could feel her breathe against his lips.

"Yea", he nodded.

They both leant back to put more space between they.

Their eyes met once again, but this time they just laughed.

"You know, I probably should walk you home, since this is our first date and all", James told her.

Natalia smiled.
"We've known each other for six months", she replied.

"Well then, it's about time I walked you home", James spoke.

Natalia gave in and smiled as James held out his arm for her to link with her own.

Within a few moments they were walking towards her home, arm in arm.

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