52. All night

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The next morning, Natasha woke up on her bed. 

She smiled as she rolled over to see James was still there next to her.

The two of them had stayed up very late the night before, talking.

They had spoke about the past, the present and even the future.

Natasha was glad she could talk to someone about anything, she knew that no matter what, she could always turn to James.
When James opened his eyes and saw Natasha was already awake, he smiled.

"Hey", he spoke.

"Hey", she replied.

They both thought about getting up, but neither of them were ready to.

They wanted to stay together.

"What if we tried this?" James suddenly said.

Natasha looked at him and frowned.

"What?" She questioned.

James sat up so he was now opposite Natasha.

He took her soft hands in his own before talking.

"Listen, I like you, a lot and I know you like me too. What if we tried to make this work, me and you?"

Natasha smiled.

He was suggesting that they start a relationship.

She didn't have a chance to say anything before James continued.

"I know I don't remember you from before, but I really like you now and..." He was going to continue but Natasha cut him off as she kissed him.

She kiss was only short, but meaningful.

As Natasha moved back a little to look at James, she smiled.

"I've already told you, I don't need your memories", she said quietly.

James smiled and nodded.

"So, what do you say?" James asked.

Natasha hardly had to think.

James was offering her a chance to be with him like before.

A chance to love him again.

Her answer was obvious.


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