45. Here before

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James stopped walking as they approached the apartment.

"I've been here before", he said quietly.

Natasha nodded.

"Your old place?" He asked.

Natasha shrugged.

"Yours actually, but I lived here with you for a while", she answered.

She slowly led him to the front door.

Natasha was honestly nervous to be returning to the apartment after all these years.

She many memories her and James had made, so many things had happened here.

This apartment was also the place she lost James.

Natasha carefully picked the lock of the house before opening the door.

She took a deep breath before walking inside.

Everything was practically the same, just as she remembered.

Things were just more dusty.

She watched as James looked around the apartment.

"I think I remember living here alone for a while, when I first ran away", he said slowly.

He frowned as he continued to walk around.

"There was always a broken chair in the kitchen", he said as he walked through to the kitchen and pointed to chair.

Natasha smiled.

She remembered that too.

James began getting excited as he ran through the apartment listing all he things he remembered about the place.

Natasha couldn't help but laugh as she watched him.

"The first aid kit, is in the cupboard next to the fridge", James said as he opened a door to find what he was looking for.

He pulled out the first aid kit and looked at Natasha.

"Sit on the table while I patch you up", he said softly.

Natasha smiled and did as she was told.

Her mind couldn't help but flash back to all those years ago when she was sat on this table while James stitched her up.

She remembered how happy they were and how safe she felt.

It was almost like she was falling in love with James all over again, even though she never stopped loving him.

Natasha watched him as he gently stitched the wound together after cleaning it.

He looked so gentle, so caring, just like he had been before.

Once he had finished his final stitch he stood up and looked at Natasha.

There were so many things she wanted to say to him but she just didn't know how.

Instead of talking she lent forward and placed a soft kiss on his lips.

It only lasted a few seconds before she pulled away and looked at him.

She wasn't sure how he would react.

James looked at her for a few seconds before leaning in himself.

As he was about to kiss her, the door to the apartment opened loudly.

They both moved away from each other.

They could hear Steve and Tony in the other room.

"Guys, we're home", Tony called in a ridiculous voice.

"Hey Steve, imagine if we got the wrong house", Tony said loudly.

Steve sighed.

"Could you possibly be quiet for more than three seconds?"

"Guys!" Tony shouted.

Natasha couldn't help but laugh a little before Bucky called them into the kitchen.

"We're in here", he called.

Tony walked in.

"I hope you are both fully clothed. I wasn't sure what state me and Steve would find the two of you in after that kiss back there", Tony joked.

Natasha couldn't help but smile and Bucky just sighed.

Steve was the only one blushing and he decided to quickly change the subject.

"Fury said extraction won't be here until tomorrow, so we're going to have to sleep here tonight", he informed everyone.

Tony placed a bag on the table.

"We got take out for dinner", he said loudly.

Natasha and Bucky smiled at each other before sitting at the table to eat the food.

Tony and Steve also went to sit down but Natasha quickly put her hand out over the chair Tony was about to sit in.

"Not that one", she said.

Tony looked confused.

"It's broken", James said smiling.

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