I Owed The Vampire Prince. [o3]

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Why'd he save me, more important--who is he? And how'd he find me?

We just stood there, what felt like hours. Why wasn't one of us talking? His hazel-green eyes now look grayish-green. He had a look of anger and madness, different from the party. "Are you okay?", he asked, his voice deep and strong. He put one of his hands in his pocket. I looked at his eyes, it looked like they were going back to hazel-green.

I just nodded my head. I couldn't speak for some reason. I felt scared, but for some reason--nervous.

"Did he hurt you?", he asked, with a caring voice, but mad also.

"No..", I said while shaking my head back and froth. I wanted to ask who he was and why he did that. Was he fallowing me? Did he here me scream? "Who are you?', I asked.

"Doesn't matter..", he said, looking down at the ground. Why did he say 'doesn't matter'? It so does matter, he pretty mush just saved me.

"Okay..", I said, not auguring with him. I started to hear a groaning sound. I looked behind What's-His-Name and saw Kyle starting to wake up. What's-His-Name turned only his head, I herd a growl coming--from him?

What's-His-Name then turned around and walked over to him. He bent down on his knees, he's hands on top of his knees. "Wow...", he said, sounded surprised, "No human could ever survive that.", he said. It was true, from the punch, it looked pretty hard, like it could have killed him.

"Where am I?', I heard Kyle mumble. His hand was at his head. I then saw Kyle face looking straight up at What's-His-Name.

"Behind the school. You fell Kyle..", What's-His-Name said, laughing, "and hit your head pretty hard. Better get home before mom gets mad.", he said. Kyle just nodded and got up and started to walk.

"Kyle?', I said confused as he walked past me with a blank look on his face. Their was no emotion to what he was feeling. Nothing. No pain or anything. His nose was sure bleeding though. I turned my attention back to What's-His-Name was standing in the same place he bent down at. I walked up to him, "Uh, what was up with that?', I asked.

He shrugged his shoulders, "Who knows, maybe he's to high.", he joked.

"Okay...", I said, making the 'y' long. "So, I guess I owe you one?', I said, putting both my hands in my pockets.

"Well..", he said, walking around me, which is a little creepy, "I'm guessing, when someone helps someone here, they do have to owe he or she one.", he said, stopping right in front me, his left hand on his chin.

"Yes..", I said, "So, anything in particular?',

"Umm...", he said. He made a face, with his hand still at his chin, thinking hard and long. "I'll think about it.", he said, turning around and walking away. Okay, I don't even know this guy, how in the world would he even find me? We don't even know each others names. "It's Lucas.", I heard him say while walking. That was a little scary, knowing what I wanted to know.

Next day...

Me and Kayla was in coffee shop. She looked so hung over. Her eyes had dark bags, so she wore sun glass that whole day. Her body and hair smelt bad. So much like beer and sweat. She didn't want to get a shower since it is like four thirty and she came home at like ten o'clock and slept till three thirty. She didn't dress normal--she was wearing baggy sweat pants and a plan full black shirts. Her hair was behind her ears, making her look like a mess.

"God, I'm never drinking again.", she said, putting her fingers at her temples, rubbing them. She always say that all the time. Mostly the day after drinking. But she always ends up with a beer in her hands when she gets to the party.

"Mh-mmm.", I mumbled, while drinking a sip of my coffee.

"I'm serious this time Dorinda..", she said, making her voice sound angry, "And this morning, I can't believe I did stuff..", she said, making a gagging sound, "with him, it was so disgusting.", she said.

"Well, I tired to talk you out of it..", I said.

"But not hard enough..", she said, cutting me off, "You could have dragged my ass out of there and I could have been different today..", she said.

"And that-- you would have gotten pissed at me when we got back and just left after I feel asleep.", I said, cutting her off this time.

She didn't say anything, she just looked down at her coffee. I hate it when we do this. When we fight and it feels like one of us is doing something wrong.

"Sorry..", she said, "You are right..", she said, taking off her sun glass, and pulling her hair away behind her ears. "I'm so stupid when I drink, I know I am. It's like something controls me..",

"It's called alcohol and beer.", I reminded her.

"I know..", her voice getting low, "I promise this, we wont go to any parties in a long time.", she said, bring her head up. Her eyes looked weak and tired. Dark bags under her eyes made them look so small. "I promise.', she said. I don't know if I should really believe her, she has said she wouldn't drink anymore, and I know that's a lie. I don't know about this one.

"Okay..", I said, so nothing else could make her head hurt more. She put back on her sunglasses and started to drink her coffee again.

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