I Owed The Vampire Prince. [17]

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Three days later...

"His parents are coming?", I asked Isabelle as she walked over to one of the cabinet and grabbed to glass cups.

"Yes. Master Lucas said they had to talk to him about something that has to do with a party. But Master Lucas hates surprises though, so he not looking forward to it since most of the surprises the king and queen give him has either something to do with becoming king or getting married.", she said.

I nodded my head, "What are they like?", I asked.

"Well Queen Arabella is a very cool ruler, she very understandable and speaks her mind about anything. She very caring to her people. King Luka, well lets say he had major mood swings, but that's because he has to run a whole world, so it's understandable, but watch out around him though cause he can lose his temper quickly.", she informed me.

"When are they coming?", I asked.

"Tomorrow.", she said as she slid open a drawers and took out a sharp knife. I raised my left eyebrow at the knife as she brought the knife to her wrist.

"What the hell are you doing?", I asked as I stopped her before she slid down the knife.

"My orders.", she said as she jerk her arm out of my grip.

"No.", I said as I quickly took her arm again. "Isabelle, are you insane?". She was not just going to cut her wrist, she could die from that.

"Dorinda, I'll be fine, I do this lots of times.", she said. What? I look down at her wrist, their no cut marks. "I cover them up with makeup. It doesn't hurt when I do it now.",

"I can't believe Lucas-",

"Master Lucas.", she cut me off.

I rolled my eyes, "Whatever. He makes you cut yourself?", I asked concern.

"The King and Queen of all vampires are coming tomorrow, which mean they need something to drink when they get here and since there was never any of human here before you came, I been doing it since I was 14, now let me finish.", she said as she quickly lashed her wrist and I closed my eyes quickly so I didn't have to watch. I can't believe she just did that!

I slowly opened my eyes, Isabelle was filling the one cup a little with her blood. Ehh, I thought as I brought my hands to my stomach and feeling sick again. I'm not a fan of blood, I always feel sick when I see blood.

She than did the same thing to the next one. When she was does, she grabbed a clean ragged and pressed down on the cut mark and tied it around her wrist. "See, no problem.", she said as she walked over to the fridge and took out some of the bluish-purple water (which is still weird to me to drink). "All I need after is water.",

"I still can't believe you did that.", I said as she walked back over and grabbed the too cups.

She shrugged her shoulders and she walked over to the fridge and put the glasses inside.

The door swung open and Luna came in. Luna was the new pixie working here. She had beautiful blonde hair that went passed her shoulder by a little, hazel-green eyes with smoky eye shadows around her eyes. Her tattoo was a beautiful black swirls that went up and down her arms and around her neck now her back that swirl around to her stomach to her legs. She's a night pixies, which meant she can go without sleeping for many days and not be tired at all and can see in the darkest places anywhere.

"Hey.", she said as she walked over to the counters and sitting down on it. Luna seems like a badgirl, when she arrive yesterday, she was wearing tight ass black leather jeans, black and white strip shirt, and a black leather jacket, fowling with black combat boots.

And she's Isabelle new roommate.

"Did ya'll know that Mitchel obsesses with his hair. I think he might be gay. I sure hope not, he's damn sexy, though he probably a goodie good to shoes.", she said as she started to play with her black painted nails.

"He's not gay.", Isabelle said.

Luna smirked, "Good. I bet I'll be able that goodie good boy into badass.", she said as she fixed her leather black glove and jumped off the counter and walking over to the kitchen door and opened it, but Isabelle stopped hers.

"Wait. aren't you supposed to help me cook?", she asked.

"Um, yeah, I'll be right back in five minute, have to use the bathroom, promise Belle.", she said as she closed the door on her way out.

"It's Izzy.", Isabelle mumbled.

The kicken door opened again Luna head popped in, "I forgot Reddy, Prince Lucas..", wait, she just said Prince Lucas not Master Lucas, hmm, I might like this girl, though she called me Reddy even though my hair more orange than red, "said to go up to his office. Might wanna go now.", she said.

"Why right now?", I asked.

"Cause your five minute late, bye.", she said quickly and closed the door fast.

I don't like this girl. I stood there in wow. She is not good at working. Why in the world did she even take this job?

Like always, I didn't have to knock on the door, but I didn't wait for him to say anything and I just went right in. Lucas was sitting at his desk, but he wasn't alone, Emma was sitting on his desk (Tramp) as she held some papers in her hands.

"Thank for finally coming.", Lucas sarcastically said.

"Luna forgot to tell me earlier.", I said, folding my arms over my chest, "What's up?", I asked. I really don't care why I'm here, I just want to go eat and go to bed, even though I have to do the same thing tomorrow.

"I see your better.", Emma said as she flipped her hair.

"Isabelle must have already told you that my parents are coming tomorrow. Which means you have to be on you best behavior. My father, do whatever he tells you to do and no back talk, he hates it, mostly when it comes from a human, so no back sass."

"I tell you this because tomorrow your job is to serve him on whatever he needs.", Lucas said as he sighed, "I need my father to know I'm a good at controlling who works here, so he'll know I can become king one day, so do as I say and don't mess up.",

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