I Owed The Vampire Prince. [12]

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"God,", I said, as we stepped into the dinner room with food . No one was in here since it wasn't dinner time yet. It's been such a long day. It was horrible cleaning those guest rooms. They were so big and dusty. And I don't even want to remember washing Lucas cloths but I'm sure I did them.

How many cloths does he even have to have? He had more cloths than any cloths stores at the Mall.

Then we had to make lots of different food. It was all insane. And I feel like I need a long shower to feel like myself. "Today was so long. Is it going to be like this everyday?", I asked as we got to the table. Isabelle nodded her head. Damn it! "Oh come on.", I said, taking a seat to sit down for a second.

"You get use to it soon.", she said, placing the food on the table.

"How?", I exclaimed. "I have got to get out of here.", I said, looking around for any doors.

"Good luck. No way of leaving this place. And Master Lucas would easily find you and bring you back", she said. She handed me a few plants, forks, and spoons. I got up from the chair and started placing one plate, spoon, and fork in front of each chair.

Once I was done, so was Isabelle with placing the food on the table. "Don't worry..", she said, "after having a good meal and a nice hot shower, you'll feel better.",

But before I could talk, the doors open and Jasmine came in, Edric next to her, "Dorinda!", she exclaimed, running over to me and hugging me. "Guess what?! Guess what?! Guess What?!", she said, jumping up and down like a little girl that cause got a new Barbie doll.


"I...I...I..", but I think she was so excided to even speak.

"You what?", I asked.

"I'm her boyfriend.", Edric said, wrapping his arm around Jasmine waist.

"Really? Cool.", I said, taking a seat. Jasmine took the seat next to me, and Edric took a seat next to her.

"I know right! I was surprised and way to happy.", she squealed as most of the other pixies came in.

"What's with all the squealing?", Romy asked, taking a seat of across from Jasmine.

"I have a boyfriend.", Jasmine said, kissing Edric cheek. Okay, I knew she liked him, but she's way to hyper right now. I don't even know why she's hyper, but she always the spunky hyper one.

"Oh..", Romy said, "I knew it was a matter of time.",

While everyone was in the own conversation. I was thinking of a way if they was any way to get out of here. I can't take it anymore. Today was to hard, I can't do it my whole life.

Always cleaning everything. I didn't even take much care of my room and my dorm. Who knows, I could be cleaning a room and breaks something. Maybe I should do that, just break things and Lucas would get mad and not want to be here anymore and send me back.

"So Dorinda,", Zoey said, "How was you first day?", she asked, taking a bite of bread she had.

"Painful and made me very tired.", I said.

"Oh.", she said, sounded like she wants a different answer. And I swear I saw her roll her eyes. What's with people and rolling there eyes here. But I shouldn't talk, I tend to roll my eyes a lot to.

"Goodness,", Jasmine said, now slugging in her seat, "That was pretty good. God job Izzy..", she said, turning to Isabelle, then me. " and Dorinda.",

"I been making dinner since I was fourteen Jasmine. Remember?", Isabelle said, making it sound like a 'Duh".

"I know.", Jasmine said, getting up. "Come on, Dorinda. Night time. All that food made me tired.", she said, yawning. She leaned down and gave Edric a kiss on the cheek. "Night night.", she said to the whole table.

"Night.", Romy and Edric said.

Me and Jasmine walked over to the door. But when Jasmine reached for the knob, the doors open. A boy with white hair, grey eyes, pale, skinny. A smirked evilly at me, looking at me up and down. "So, you're the new slave girl.", he said.

I just looked at Jasmine confused. She looked at the boy, "Yes,", she answered for me. "If you excuse me Mr. Richards, but we have to go to bed.", she said.

"Your going to bed.", he said, "But her," he said, looking me, smirking "coming with me. Everyone wants to meet her. Come on.", he said and I didn't want to say no cues he scared me.

The guy with white hair open the doors that said "Guest hang out.", I must of missed this one, cause I didn't see it last night.

The guy opened the door, then holding it opened for me. I hesitated before walked in and saw four other vampires, including Lucas and Emma. "New slave girl is beautiful.", I felt the guy move one side of my hair behind my ear. He sent chills down my back. He seemed like the old crazy abandon house I use to walk pass everyday and be frighten of it every single time I walk past. "What do you think?",

"Indeed.", a boy with black hair suddenly appeared in front of me. He then started walk around me, his hand laying on his chin. It was like he was checking out a car. "Where did you find her, Lucas?",

"Human world as you probably already know. She was girl in college, needed some help with something, owed me as they say there, and I wanted he to be my new slave.",

"Really?", he asked surprised. "Do you think I could borrow her sometimes.", he asked, chuckling.

"Sorry Elliot..." Lucas said. "but she stays here. She can't leave.".

"I understand.", he sighed though.

"I can see why you took her though.", the boy with white hair said, sending chills down my arms.. "She smells good.", I then heard someone sucking their teeth against their teeth. Im sure it come from Emma.

"William,", she said, walking over, "If you want to taste her. I'm sure Lucas will. But why? It's pointless." she said, looking at me now, "She's worthless.",

That's when my body heat rush. She really didn't just say I was worthless? She's the one that's worthless. Think Lucas is her boyfriend, and thinking he loves her. She's the one that worthless, practically whoring herself.

"Wanna say that again.", I said, pulling my hands into tight fist. It may not hurt her, but she sure needs to be punched.

"Worthless.", she said again, but a little slower. That's when I raised my hands and it came close to her face, when I felt someone pull my hand away. I saw Emma fangs come out.

I turned my head to see a boy with blondish-brown hair. "I'm saving you from breaking you hands.", he said, throwing my hand down. "And she's my sister.",

"It's okay Tyson,", Emma said, pulling her fangs back in. "I would love to this is little human try and hurt me.",

"Emma." too girl said. One had black hair, snakebites and a nose ring. The stereotype emo if you would say. And another that looked like a popular cheerleader in high school.

"Relax.", The cheerleader one says. "I'm Helena. That's Susan.", she said, to the girl with black hair. Like I care, I just want to get out here, away from all the vampires.

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