I Owed The Vampire Prince. [18]

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"Dorinda, wake up!", I heard someone yelled, which made me fall out of my bed. I looked up to see it was Romy.

"What the..", I got cut off before I could finish since she pratically pick me up on my feet. I almost fell again, but manage to I stayed up.

"You have to get ready, fast.", she said as she ran over to one of the closet and pulled out a pair of blue jeans and a black shirt. She throw them to me, "Get dressed now. Their here and you over slept.",

Oh great, I going to meet the King and Queen late, not a good start. I quickly throw off my pj cloths and got dressed fast and put my hair up in a messy bun.

"Okay, now get on my back.", Romy said quickly.

I raised my left eyebrow, "What?",

"Get on my back or we'll be more late.", she said and I did as she said and got on her back easily and all of sudden, a pair of whitish-pink wings that were like 5 feet long.

"Whoa.", I whispered, not taking my eyes off of them.

"Don't gawk at them. I hate that.", she said, but I couldn't help it, I had to touch them. They felt feathery, soft, and warm.. They were wonderful to look at. "Now time to be feeling on some pixies wings. Hold on tight.", she said, but before I could ask what she meant, she flew out the window.

"Ohmygod!", I whispered loudly as I clutched my around Romy neck. I'm not a big height fan.

"Dorinda, relax, I'm not going to drop you.", she said she tired lossen my arm, but I shook my head no. "Come on, trust me.",

I sighed real long and loosen my arms. Romy fell upwards like six feet away from my window and flew inside a window. Lucas office. Lucas wasn't here yet, but two other vampires were. A woman and man was also in here. They were hold the glasses Isabelle filled yesterday.

I got off Romy back, "She woke up late, she's sorry. Right Dorinda?", she gave me a serious look.

"Yes, I am.", I said to the King and Queen, being smart an just agreed.

"It's fine.", Queen Arabella said.

Romy walked to stand next to Queen Arabella and Romy pointed her to the King Luka. Right, I was supposed to be his slave for the day or in till he's gone. I walked over to where he was sitting and standing next to him. I have to admit, the king kind of...handsome.

I heard him chuckle. Oh god, he's a mind reader. My cheeks burned red. I didn't even know he was, oh god, I'm so sorry. "It's okay.",

The door finally open and Lucas came in, "Sorry I'm late, I had to finish up on some papers.", he said as he walked over to his down in the chair that was in front of Queen Arabella and King Luka.

"We understand son.", Queen Arabella said.

"I'm gonna go straight to the point.", King Luka said, fixing himself in the seat, "Son, it's your time to get married.", he said.

Lucas sat there, blinking for a few second, "I thought we discus thi..",

"We don't care.", King Luka, "it's times to get married and you going to deal with weather you like it or not.",

Lucas sighed, "Your right.", he said. Whoa, he just agreed to get married when he didn't want to cause his father told him to.

"We were thinking that Emma would be a perfect Queen and wife, but that's if you want her.", Queen Arabella said.

No! There is no way I'm going to be here while Emma will also be here, 24/7. No way in hell.

"Why, don't you like her?", King Luka asked me.

"Um..", I said, I really shouldn't say anything about her, even though she a cold hearted tramp that shouldn't even be here since she's only probably here so she can become Queen.

"I see.", he said. Crap! He wasn't suppose to hear that! "I pretty much think the same thing.", he said.

Lucas gave me a Shut-Up look. So i'm supposed to not say anything, even in my head! What an asshole. Opps! Both of them could have heard that! Crap, shut up, shut up, shut up!

"Anyways, Lucas your mother thought of something to help you find a wife. We'll have a party here in the palace in the ball room and all the single daughters of rich family well come.", King Luka said.

"Honey, it'll be so fun. You'll dance with all those girls and you'll pick which one you like.",

Where dose that sound familiar? Didn't that happen in Cinderella? Were the prince had to dance with all the maidens and see which one he fell in love with?

"Mother, do I really have to do this?", Lucas asked.

"Yes, it's time. You'll become king less than 15 years. And it's time you settle down with someone, than you'll already have a wife when you become king.",


"No buts, the party tomorrow, so get over it and make sure you find her tomorrow.", King Luka order. King Luka got up from the chair and Queen Arabella did the same thing, "Me and your mother will be in town, you mother needs a new dress.", he said, quickly rolling his eyes.

"Wait, I'm going in town?', I asked.

All three of looked at me like I just said something stupid. "Yes.", Queen Arabella. "You never bin in the town before?", she asked.


"Oh, well stay close to us.", Queen Arabella said.

King Luka and Queen Arabella stepped into a black limo (Can't believe they have limos here) and Romy and I step in behind them.

"Ann Taylor, please.", Queen Arabella said to the driver. He nodded his head and started the car.

It took about thirty minute to get to the town, which if you tell me looks like a mini New York. Store, café, lunch place, and other stuff were here. It was amazing and I thought it would look like the town in the movie Underworld, but just like I said, mini New York.

About six minute later we stopped in front of an Ann Taylor.

We got out the car and walked in. Every vampire that was inside welcomed the King and Queen. A blond curly hair vampire walked up to the Queen Arabella, "My lady, how great to have you here again.", she sad.

"Great to be back Monica, have anything new and beautiful?", she asked.

"Of course, come with me.", she said. Queen Arabella and Romy went with Monica and King Luka sat down on a black chair.

God damn this store expansive. Hundred and fifty dollars for a dress?

"It's not so bad.", King Luka said, "So, it's Dorinda?", he asked. I nodded my head yes. "How long have you bin at the palace?",

"About four weeks.", I said.

"And how did you become a slave for Lucas?",

"I was walking home one night and a guy from my college was drunk and high and started to harrass me, but Lucas stopped him and I said I owned him, but at the time I didn't know he was a vampire.", I laughed without humor.

"So the next night when I was at my dorm, he was there and than I found out what he was and he pretty much just took me.", I said as I though how he pouched me. Still mad about that.

"Hmm.", King Luka moaned, "So he just took you, sounds like him.", he said.

I raised my eyebrows, "What do you mean?",

"When Lucas wants something, he takes it. Especially when it a pretty girl.", he said.

My cheeks burned read when he said that. Lucas thinks I'm pretty? Nah, he would never think that, and since i'm human, he probably thinks I'm more of a snack than pretty.

"Honey, want do you think?", Queen Arabella walked over wearing spaghetti strap dress that went to her knees and a black belt around her waist.

"Beautiful.", King Luka said as he got up from the chair and kissed her on the cheek.

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