I Owed The Vampire Prince. [11]

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Knock Knock Kncok

We heard at the door. "Come in Isabelle.", Lucas said. Emma was sitting on his desk, legs and arm crossed, and having a bratty look on face. Why is she such a spoiled brat? The others were right, she isn't smart, if she was, she would know how to put on a straight face on.

The door open and Isabelle came in a tan skirt that went to her knees and a black tank top. "Ready?", she asked me. I glared at Lucas, god how much I want to hurt him.

"Wouldn't be possible. I'm stronger then you'll ever be.", he said. Great, stupid mind reader. "Yes, and many other things since I am the prince.". I just sighed and grabbed the paper off his desk and walked over to the door.

"Yeah.", I said to Isabelle. We walked out the room, Isabelle closed the door behind us.

"Hey, sorry I been mean to you..", Isabelle said as she lead the way to kitchen. "It's just..", she said, looking down at the ground, "I was a little jealous. Of you.", I raised my eyebrows in confusion. "I was jealous of how you spent so much in the human world. How you got to chance to live there. How you have a family. Friends. Boyfriends.", I stopped her.

"Well, I didn't have many. Lets say four.", I admitted, which never lasted long. Kayla would site me up with some low-life-loser which I never had in common. I never even kissed one of them but a quick peck. I know, I'm pathetic, but oh well.

"Well, at least you had a life there.", she said, I could hear the sadness in her voice. I would be sad too if left the human world young age and probably not remmeber much. But Isabelle probably remembers some stuff.

"I'm sorry, Isabelle.", I admitted.

"It's whatever. I can't go back, Master Lucas wo-", I cut her off again.

"Please stop calling him Master Lucas", I said sounded annoyed, which I am. I hate that. All I hear from everyone that's works here is'Master' 'Master' and "Master. It's getting annoying. What? He wont let them call him Lucas? Just me? Or well he start to get mad at me from saying his real name and not 'Master'.

Well, he'll get over it. There no way in hell I'm calling him Master.

I felt a rush of air behind me, I turned my head around, Isabelle looked behind herself too. I saw nothing but the wall, carpet, a the empty hallway. I turned my head back around and saw Lucas in front of me. I gasped. "That's one thing I forgot to mention," he said "You must call me Master Lucas for now on, it's what every worker here calls me, you shouldn't be treated special, so for now on, it's Master Lucas." he order, then in a second, he was gone.

I stood there in shock. First, he's fast. Second, he can't order me what to do. This is a free coun--. Crap, I forgot, not in my world, can't use that line. Damn it.

I rolled my eyes, "Uh.", I said, a little loud.

"Come on.", Isabelle said, tugging my arm to walk, "Before he gets mad.". I rolled my eyes again. What else could he possibly do? I'm already stuck here.

I waited a few seconds just in case he would come back out. I sighed in relief he didn't.

"Please don't get him mad around me or anyone else. We don't want him mad. Trust me.", she said, looking down at me since she was taller than me.

"Fine.", I said in annoyed tone.

Once we were in the kitchen, Isabelle walked over to a closet, pulling out something that was in a metal bottle looking thing. Isabelle walked over back to me and handed it to me. I raised my eyebrows. "It's soap acid.", she said.

My eyes shot wide open. Soap I heard right. But I not sure I heard right if she said acid. She wants me to burn myself? Is she insane? "What the hell.", I said, looking down at the metal bottle.

"Don't worry." she said, "It's doesn't burn you, it burns the food on the plate and everything. It makes it much faster to wash dishes. Only a little is needed though.", she informed me.

I looked around. No dishwasher. Damn it, I haven't washed a dish in five years, that's what dishwashers are for.

"Oh." I said, feeling a little stupid. I should have know Isabelle wouldn't try in burn me. I'm getting paranoid now. Great, just what I need.

"Yeah." she said, "Get to work now.", she said, giving a small laugh. I gave her an awe look. Her laugh was so sweet and innocent. I finally heard a laugh from this girl. "What?", she asked.

"Nothing.", I said, walking over to the sink. I turned on the bluish-purple (Still weird) water and clogged the hole so the water wouldn't go down the drawn. I purred a little of the stuff out of the metal bottle, which to my surprised was clear.

Once the sink was fell with bubbles, which was also weird cause it was a light pink color. I slowly put my hand in the water. I was surprised, the water fell like a perfect temperature. Wasn't to cold, nor to hot.

Did the acid do that that to the water to make it how I like the temperture?

"So Dorinda..", I herd Isabelle. "What the human world like now?",

"Well, the same probably how it is when you last seen it. Just new pointless lame movies. New president though. He's the first African-American, name Barack Obama. But other then that, same. Just newer cars and cell phones. Their smaller now.", I said.

"Wow.', she said, I heardthe surprise in her voice. "Everything has changed there. New stuff, new president, new everything.", I herd sadness in her voice this time. "Wish I could see it all"

I turned around to see her hands leaning down on the table, her head looking down at the table, eyes looking like they were about to cry. "Isabelle.", I said walking over to her.

"I'm okay..", she said, running her hand throw her hair, and I knew she was lying. Her voice was lying, but her eyes were saying how much she wants to go back. "Um..', she said, "We better stop fooling around, I want to get to dinner early before everyone eats everything.", she said, walking over to the closet again and pulling out a broom.

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