I Owed The Vampire Prince. [30]

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"What?", I asked, looking at her if she was serious. Kayla twitched in my arms as she whimpered loudly.

"Tick, tick, tick," Emma said as she clicked her tongue, "time ticking away for your friend.",

I looked down at my best friend. I almost looked away. Her face was so pale and her lips were yurnong blue. Her eyes were red and she already starting to feel cold. I felt the blood from her neck slide down to my hands and legs. "Dor-Dorin-Dor," she tired to say my name, but I saw how much she was in pain.

My heart was hurting. I didn't like seeing her like this. I have no other choice but let Emma change her...and make Lucas kill me. "Shhh," I said as stroke her cheek, "you'll leave her alone after this?", I asked Emma seriously.

"Of course. Even, what would I want with her?",

That also made me want to get up and punch her, but I didn't. "Make it fast.", I order Emma. Even though I never seen a vampire change a human, I don't want to think it'll be slow and bring Kayla more pain.

Emma didn't answer me. She just walked over to Lilith, "How close?", she asked her.

"Pretty close," Lilith said, grinning, "I say about three and half minutes.",

Would Kayla even make it in thirty seconds? I know I'll probably be dead in five minute or less, but as long as Kayla safe, even if she's going to a vampire, she'll be okay from all this. My parents already probably think I'm dead, but parent shouldn't think Kayla dead.

"Grab them.", Emma said to two big guys. They nodded there heads and walked over to us. One of them pick Emma up from my arms and the other one grabbed me by my arm and I gasp from how painfully he grabbed my yanked me up.

"What about Kayla?", I asked Emma.

Emma looked at me like I was an idiot, "Not until you get killed. I promise I'll change her.", she said, sounding bored. I was about to protest, but the big guy held my arm tighter.

We all walked out the room, down a pair of steps, then out the door. We walked out into a field. I probably must of ran out the back. I finally saw that I was in a large mansion.

I heard someone call my name. I turned my to the right and saw it was Liam. I completely forgot the others. The were all tied up together and two of Emma big guys were around them. I was about to run to them, then I remember I was being held.

I looked at Liam again. He mouth something to me, but I couldn't get what he was trying to say.

My attention went to the forest as I heard running and the wind blowing hard. I started to sweat. Every second I'm coming closet to death. I don't want to die, but I have to. And Lucas is going to have to do it.

Finally four figure running out of the forest. They stop in the middle of the field. From right to left was Octavian, Akera, Lucas, and Hektor. They all were standing tall, confidence, strong, and annoyed.

Lucas attention was first on Liam and the other than finally to me. He looked more mad.

"Ahh, Lucas, you're finally here.", Emma said as she walked up a little smiling. "Who knew it'll take three days to find where we were.", she said. Well at least I know how long I was here.

"Why did you kidnap my workers, Dorinda, that that human?", he asked, pointing at Kayla in the big guy arm.

Emma put her hands on her hips. I couldn't see her face since her back was facing me. But I knew she wasn't smiling anymore. "Because you hurt me. You rather love some human then me!" she yelled at him.

My eyes flew open when she said love. She must be crazy. Lucas doesn't love me, hell, probably might not like-like me. But he didn kiss me before he left when I was still at the house. Does he like me? Does he love me? Lucas must've been shocked too since he froze where he was standing.

"I-I have no idea what your talk about.", he said.

"Don't play dumb with me. Anabelle may be dumb, but she's a pretty damn good feeler.",

"Feelers can be wrong.", Lucas said.

"No, honey, they can't.", she said. "You fell in love with a human before and what happen to her? Huh?",

"Don't!", Lucas said coldly. "Don't you dare say anything!", he order.

"Why? You don't like to remember that yo-"

"Shut up Emma, I swear I'll kill you you!",

"You killed her.", Emma laughed. My mouth dropped. He killed her?! No, Lucas parents killed her. That's what he told me.

I looked at Lucas. He looked beyond pissed. He looked at Emma like he was a killer dog looking at a little kitten. His fangs were out and they never looked so sharp as they did now. "How dare you!" he barked at her. He started walked, "I will have your fangs ripped out and have you chained up and have you whipped to death.", he yelled at her.

He was only few feet a away from her when I spoke, "Lucas, don't.", I said. I still didn't forgot about Kayla. He looked at me, his fangs still out. He was about to protest, but I spoke, "Don't touch her.", I said, not really wanting to say if. But Emma might not help Kayla, but I had too just in case. Lucas looked confused, but still looked angry.

Emma chuckled and walked up to where me and the big guy was standing. "Lucas, sweetie, you never let me finish.", she said, looking at me, but talking to Lucas. She grabbed my arm from the guy, I winced in pain and almost yelled. She grabbed me hard than when the big guy did and kept her grip like that.

She walked back to where she was standing and she practically dragged me and dropped me on the floor. "Oww.", I yelled, feeling that I fell on a really sharp branched dig into my skin.

"Looks painful.", Emma said to me, than looked up at Lucas. "Now, like I said, you never let me finish.", she said, putting her hands back on her hips, "You have to kill poor Dorinda here.", she said.

"What?", he hissed at her.

"Did I stutter, baby? All your little pixies here will be free and Dorinda wants you to. Right, Dorinda.", she said, not making it a question as she looked at me. I mouth open to say yes, but I couldn't get the words out. I didn't want to die, even in Lucas arms. I wanted to know if he does, you know, what Emma said. "Do you remember you friend?", she said, sounding annoyed. "Time going by fast and her heart given out. It sounds like you got two minute to deiced.".

"Dorinda.", Lucas mumbled my name shock. I quickly look at my best friend. Her eyes were closed and her breathing looked like it could stop any second.

I looked up Lucas, "Do it.", I order him, trying to hide my fear.

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