I Owed The Vampire Prince. [23]

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I was laying down on my bed, listen to Jasmine iPod. I know I should have asked her, but I just saw it and decided to listen threw it. Her music is little-earthly. Like the sound of rainforest or the ocean.

It didn't help the headache I have, it just made me more mad.

I bit my bottom lip, I can't stand to say this, but I want to know what Lucas is doing. I can't believe he kissed me-again, but what is freaking me out more is that I kissed him back.

I can't stand him, but something just made me. I liked it, but I also hated it. I wish I could tell someone about this, but I don't know everyone here while, I couldn't just tell someone, for all I know, they could be a big mouth.

I only ever trust Kayla with my problems, no one else. Not even my parents.

So who can I tell?

Knock Knock Knock

I heard a few knocks at the door. I raised my eyebrows in confusion, everyone was working. I got up from the bed and put Jasmine iPod on the bed as walked passed her bed.

I walked over to the door and opened it. No was standing there anymore, but there was something hanging on the door though. A white folded piece of paper was tapped on the door, it had my name on it. I took it off the door and opened.

Hey Dorinda, it Liam. Go down to storage hallways in 15 minute. No one ever goesdown there, so well be alone. -Liam.

Storage room? I don't know where that is. I only been here about a month, it's probably way down in the palace.

I looked at the letter and saw at the bottom was an arrow pointing at the edge. I turned it around and showed a line map.

I smiled at the line, they weren't good perfect lines, they were a little messed up.

I slipped on my shoes and made my way down the hall, than I turned left one time and went down the stair case, than another one, than another one. From the map, I'm almost there, just have to turn right, than go down the third hallways on the right, than one more right.

Gosh, this place is huge, I thought. I have always bin going up or straight and down in the place, I'm going to have climb up all those stairs later on than.

It was a little dim, but the light was good enough. Liam wasn't here yet. So I decided to looking around. I know, I'm a noise person.

I start at one door, wouldn't budge open. I tired another, nope. Another one, nope. One did open, it was small and their were just old bed and pillow sheets so I just shut the door and went to the next one. I came to this door that was a little different from the others, the wood looks really old and knob wasn't metal, it was also wood. I notice there was no key lock. I twisted the knob, it open. Inside was filled with boxing.

The closet was bigger than other one I open. I couldn't see anything but boxing, so I looked for a little switch. I couldn't find it, getting mad, I decided just try my best threw the dark.

I went to a box that was the smallest, it was the size of a shoe box. Something weird, the box had a scent. I raised my eyebrows and opened the box, white candles sticks were inside. I smirked.

Thankfully their was also a box of matches inside.

I took a candle holder and stuck the candle on it and lit it. Something caught my eye, way in the back of the closet and their was some boxes cover it, but I can see it was a picture, a painted picture.

Their was two people I could see. A guy and a girl. The guy look familiar, I made my way towards it. Once I was standing in front of it, I realized who the guy was---it was Lucas.

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