I Owed The Vampire Prince. [o5]

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I had a lump in my throat. "Please don't hurt me.", I manage to say. I could feel myself sweat. It was so cold, but my body felt so hot. It was so cold cause being close to him. I couldn't swallow the lump in my throat.

I kept on walking back until I hit the wall, making a picture of me and Kayla in 7th grade fall. Great, she's going be pissed.

"I don't want to hurt you but you'll have to come with me.", he said, grabbing my arm. His hand was freezing cold.. It sent shivers up my arm to my neck.

"What..", I said, scared, "I'm not going anywhere.", I said, trying to get his hand off, but he just tighten up his hand, which felt like he was going to break it. "Not with you.", I hissed at him.

I then saw his eyes turn grayish-green. He than just looked at me, not even blinking, his eyes were just on mine eyes. I just stood their, eye blinking, shaking, getting more scared. He then starting blinking, "Why didn't it work.", he said to himself. Work? What in the hell is he talking about. "Why can't I glamour you?", he asked.

Glamour, as in control me? God, he can do that?

"Forget it.", he said. I saw his arm raised and hit me in the face, knocking me out.


My eyes started to filter open. I could see over my eyelashes. I could see a dim light coming from something that was hovering over top of me. My breathing seem normal from what I could hear. Pain hit my head so fast though.

I started opening up my eyes more. I could see the light more but it was still dim. I could feel my body perfectly

My eyes were fully open now, not blurry, but around my eyes hurt a lot. Like a giant headache. But I mostly only get them on my left side, like I been hit in the face. I looked around the room. I saw it was a normal white wall room. It had to dresser. A medium size tv.

I got up from the bed and stretched my body. The room temperature felt a little cold. I rubbed my eyes and sighed. "Where am I?", I mummbled to myself. I looked around again and saw their was another bed like I was laying on. But that one had purple blankets and a blue pillow. The bed I was sleeping on only had a pillow on it.

The carpet on the floor was a white carpet that look liked it had a tint of blue in it. I only saw one medium size window.

It had white currents. I went over and looked out of it. I gasped. Outside it looked a little foggy, but you could still see that where somewhere in a forest. The sky was grayish, like on a rainy day, but you could see the blue, but what was weird, it had a tint of purple in it.

Purple? I never seen clouds with purple. Yes, maybe when the sun site sometimes, but it seems like it's the afternoon. Bits and pieces starting coming back and I started to panic.

I then heard the door being on so I turned around feel fast. I saw a girl with light beautiful blond hair that went down to the middle of her back. She had perfect skin tone. It looked so light and soft. Perfectly thin, but a little full shape lips. Beautiful blue eyes. She wore what looked like old ripped blue jeans with a black tank top.

On her both arms what looked like just like a tattoo, what light blue ocean waves that went from her fingers, all the way up to her neck. It made her light skin make her more beautiful.

She was carrying a blue blanket and a blue pillow case.

She then made her attention to me and smiled, "Hi.", she said, showing off her perfect white teeth, "Your finally awake. Thank goodness.", she said walking over to the bed I was laying on and grabbing the pillow and putting the pillow into the pillow case, "Master Lucas was wondering when you'll wake up," she said little out quick giggle, "he didn't know he hit you that hard.", she said, laying the down pillow and spreading out the blanket.

She then clapped her hands and ran over to me, "I'm Jasmine-May, but you can call me Jasmine .", she said, holding out her hands.

"Uh..", I said, not sure to take her hand. And Master Lucas? What the heck? And he hit me!?

"I'm not going to hurt you Silly Billy.", she said taking a quick giggle again. "I'm not a vampire.", she said.

That wasn't what I worried about though. I reached my hand out and took it in hers, "Dorinda.", I said.

"I know." she said breathing in and out happily for some reason, "Master told me.". What's with her and saying Master Lucas? "Oh goodness me.", she said slapping her head, "You must be wondering where you are. I mean, you are the only other human in this palace.", she said.

Palace? And what in the hell did she mean by other human. Isn't she a human? "Uh..", I said again, not really sure what to say. "Where am I?', I asked, a little to hard without me meaning to.

Her smiled went away, "I guess I should have told you that first. Welcome to The Shadow Coven.". Shadow Coven? I very much don't believe that's a place in the world. But what do I know, I didn't really pay much attention in Social Studies? "It's in another world--dimension.", she said.

I didn't say anything, but my mouth opened a little. I could real my heart racing a little. Another world? Dimension? This can't be real? My parents are probably going nuts on where I am. This has to be a joke. Or a dream. Yes, I must be dreaming.

"W-What?", I asked. "You joking right. This has to be a dream.", I said crossing my arms on my chest stubbornly, but I was really panicking inside.

"No, you're not Dorinda. This world is very much real and your not dreaming. Want me to prove it?", she said, punching my arm.

"Ow.", I said. Damn, she looks weak, but she's not.

"See. And in this world, theres not very many humans. This world is filled with vampires.". I thought she said she wasn't a vampire. What in the hell is she then? I raised my eyebrows in confusion, "Oh silly me.", she said again, "I'm a pixie, or you can say fairy. Their mostly just the same thing.", she said.

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