I Owed The Vampire Prince. [22]

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I'm in the kitchen, biting my nails nervously. It becomes a habit when I'm freaked. I can not get the feeling of Lucas lips on my away. I have never really been kissed like that, it's usually just a quick pecks.

I kept biting on my middle finger fingernail, but their was barley to bite anymore. Just calm down, I told myself.

Why in the world would he kiss me anyways? Maybe he just want to freak me out.

Yeah and he surely did.

But why would he have to kiss me?


Gross, he kissed me. It makes me hate him more.

Maybe it's some other gift thing, like maybe he can see thing, but you have to kiss something to see it?

Maybe that's why. Maybe he thought I was really lying and wanted to see if he did really get kissed before or not.

'Oh come on, you really think that', some voice said. It made jump me up. Where'd it come from? After a few second of thinking, I realized it was my voice. Damn, I'm stupid.

But do I really think that? I seen those Underworld movie, it was mostly drinking the blood to see thing.

Why does this world have to be so damn confusing?

"Yo.", I heard Luna voice as she smack opened the door. It made me up again and I almost bit down on my tongue. "What's up?", she asked, walking over to the fridge.

"Nothing.", I said, looking down at the table.

"Okaay..", she said slowly and confused. "Hey, I heard you slap Emma last night before she went all vamp crazy. Is that true?",

"Huh?', I asked, raising my eyebrows. Rumors, great. "I didn't slap her, I didn't even want to get her crazy, I just saw to people in the closet and I wanted to know who it was. How was I suppose to know it was her.", I snapped, but felt bad cause I only did it because I was still panicking about Lucas kissing me.

"Whoa, chill out.", she said, grabbing a water bottle and leaned down on the table. "What's up? Lucas get mad at you?", she saw my confusion, how does she know I was with Lucas, I didn't tell anyone I had to be around Lucas all day. "Dorinda, everything gets around here, don't look shocked. I only been here a few days and I know everything already. Like how I know Zoey Star got fried because of you.",

"That was not my fault!", I snapped again. God, my head really hurting. I could feel my left side of my forehead pounding. I started rubbing my forehead.

"I know.", she smiled, "I know Zoey, major bitch. She still mad at me for breaking her poor brother heart.", she said, making a fake pouting face.

"Well, she had some anger problem.", I said, rubbing my forehead harder.

"Mhm.", she said, walking over to the door, "Well better get back to cleaning.", she said, rolling her eyes and left.

After a few more seconds of rubbing my head and trying to get my head back on my body, I got up and walked out the kitchen.

I was almost near the ballroom to see if someone was in there. Isabelle and Liam was sweeping up. Liam was making a joke, both didn't noticed me.

"That's was the most stupidest thing I heard.", Isabelle said, not finding it funny.

Liam sighed, "Do you have a funny bone in that bo-", Liam paused when he saw me and smiled. I couldn't help but smile back. "Hey.",

"Hi.", I said, giving a quick wave. "What are you doing here? I thought you have to be around Lucas all day since what happen last night.", he said.

"Well,", I said slowly. I was not going to tell them that Lucas, from all people, kissed me for a reason I don't even know why. "He's giving me lunch break, but I'm not hungry.",


"That's unlike him.", Isabelle said surprised.

Great, I have to think of something fast. "Um, well..", I said, trying to think fast. But nothing came up, blank thought. Crap, I don't know what to say. I can't say he kissed me and I left. First cause I like Liam and I don't want him to do something crazy and Isabelle would probably mention to someone. I can not let that happen. "..um..", I said, scratching my head, feeling nervous.

"Dorinda, shouldn't you be in the kitchen.", I heard Lucas voice next to me. I jump so high, my heart started pounding. Damn vampire speed. Crap. I can not be near him right now. I felt my cheeks burn. Just thinking about him kiss me made me nervous. I couldn't even look at him right now.

"Um, yes, but it turns out I'm not hungry anymore.", I said.

"Well..", he said, "we should get back, I have things for you to do.".

Great, I wonder what they could be.

"Okay. Bye.", I said, looking up to wave by to Isabelle and Liam. But something caught my eye before I looked back at the floor, Liam mouthed, 'I have to talk to you later.'

I felt my stomach flip. Talk to me about what?

Lucas turned around and I fallows behind him. I don't like that fact that I was alone with him.

"Oh stop being a baby.", he said and stooped quickly, which made me run into him.

"Ow.", I said, rubbing my head, his whole body like brick wall. I couldn't hold it in me anymore, I just have to ask why. "Why'd you kiss me?', I blurted before I could hold it in. My cheek burned red. I wish I could take it back.

He stopped again and I didn't run into him this time. He's stood there for a few second, his back to me. "I don't have to answer that.",

He's really isn't going to answer me? My anger was boilling up! "Yes you do.", I said.

"Don't talk back to me. From now on, the only time you can talk is when you have permission from me.",

"W-what?', I asked. So I can't talk now, God, I hate him! Why dose he order me so much?!

He turned around seriously, "Because..", he said, walking forwards to me and I walked backwards, "your a slave. When are you going to get that in you head?", I was pressed against the wall now, "You do what I tell you and if you don't like it, well to damn bad, get over it.", he yelled to me.

He was really up close to me, that are nose was only about couple of few inches from mine. I didn't like that. I couldn't help but look up at his eyes, their weren't they grayish-green color. He isn't mad.

I could feel the feeling of his lips on mine, but he wasn't kissing me.

"Your different..", he practically whispered to me, if I can't see right, I think his face soften up from his usual angry face. "Your have a caring heart, but can always speak back in defence. Why?",

My mouth felt dry, his eyes were right on mine. "I-I don't know.", I stutter. Something seems different. Lucas isn't acting his self.

"I can't glamour you, I can't even hear you heart beat or crave your blood like other humans. I don't get it.",

He can't hear my heart beat or smell my blood, I thought that a vamp thing. What makes me different?

"The reason I kissed you is because," he paused, looking at me seriouly, "I wanted too.",

Shock throw over me. He wanted to kiss me? I felt my arms and palm go sweaty. Then just like earlier, I felt his lips on mine. I made a small noise and my eyes widen for a second. I was trying to pull away but he wouldn't let me. Those evil pair of lips were like magic though, making my heart race up as he kissed me. I only thought about now what it oils be like to join them, so I closed my eyes and forgot all about what Lucas has done.

His lips were soft and nice, they were cold, but not cold as ice. I was about to wrapped my arms around his neck before I felt nothing on my lips and his hand wasn't behind my neck. I opened my eyes and he was gone.

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